Favorite LMNC Kosmo module

I am curious to read what are everybody’s favorite Kosmo modules released by LMNC, and especially why.

The input in this thread could be beneficial for future designs. :smile:

I compiled the following list of modules released by LMNC:

  • 1007 Midimuso MIDI/CV Module
  • 1008 MIDI to Trigger
  • 1113 Kosmo Performance Filter
  • 1114 Filter Grrr
  • 1145 VCLFO
  • 1148 Modulation Station Quad LFO
  • 1153 Bounce Bounce Bounce
  • 1157 Mini ADSR
  • 1158 VCADSR
  • 1161 Dual Buffered Multiple
  • 1163 Mini Mixer
  • 1171 O.B.A. Offset Boost Attenuvert
  • 1181 Dual VCA
  • 1183/1184 Quad VCA Mixer
  • 1221 Oscillator Expander
  • 1222 Performance VCO
  • 2000 Megadrone
  • 2001 Keyboard Sequencer
  • 2221 CrosFoberMordulator
  • 2370 Spring Spring Spring
  • 2399 Triple Splashback Delay
  • 2700 Twin T Drummer
  • 4710 Safety Valve

My favorite module:

  • 1157 Mini ADSR


Reasons (in no particular order):

  1. Straight forward panel layout, which makes it very easy to understand.
  2. Low number of components needed to build the module.
  3. Triggered not only by another module, but also with the internal loop or manual trigger.
  4. Different jack sockets can be used, as the jack sockets are not placed on the PCB board, but connected with e.g. Molex connectors; this adds flexibility in finding the parts needed to build the module.
  5. Multiple outputs of the (positive) ADSR, which reduces the need for a separate buffered multiple to send the envelope to more than one target.

Unfortunately this module is (at the moment) no longer available in the store. Hopefully it will be back some day, at which point I will certainly order an extra one.


My Vote goes to #2700 TWIN T DRUMMR

  • a tight build, not for the faint haerted
  • one moduel and you have drumms, nothing more or less
  • mixed output, one cable and you are done
  • separate outputs if you need them

I also like the #1157 mini ADSR and would buy some if available… they are great!


I think we need the Inventory List…

I can’t remember them all without going and looking.

Maybe the LFO10 , one of my first builds and More or less worked.
Least Favourite the Performance Filter… Never seened to work.


Based on your suggestion, I added to my first post a list of all released LMNC modules I could find.

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I think the 1181 Dual VCA is also unavailable too. Really hoping they come back in stock. I have a pretty barebones 1 row 60cm setup, but right now I’m VCAless which is a bit maddening.

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There are lots of VCA designs around. I have a Kosmo format adaptation of the MFOS dual log/linear VCA. Gerbers available for fabrication.

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