Module requests

I’m just guessing here but maybe a 75 or 100 mm wide dual LFO module is the sweet spot for something with 4ms-like features. 25 mm of width might just fit e.g. the four jacks, two push buttons, and one knob used per channel in the 4ms design — but the front panel would probably be cramped at best — and a 50 mm module maybe could accommodate a PCB big enough for two channels if they shared enough parts. Better would be 75 or 100 mm for a dual LFO, and it would likely have room for a sync output for daisy chaining. Quad would have to be either very cramped or more like 200 mm wide — and you could do that with two daisy chained 100 mm duals.



Signed on with dual LFO plus sync output working in 75 or 100 mm wide module.

-Fumu / Esopus

Man oh man, current events sure is making the shipping on my LMNC kits rough.

My solution was to double my order. If I’m going to get screwed, I at least want to be a screwed guy with a lot of Kosmo sequencers.

Seriously, keep em coming. I’m so hyped for that expanded delay module you teased a while back.


I wonder if there is some sort of bulk shipping deal to the US that we can get going. Maybe a big group of us from the form?

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That’s an interesting idea. The trick is passing them out once they get here.

I’m not sure if Kosmo is big enough to justify a reseller here in America… I’m usually good for 1-3 of each kit myself, and whatever I buy, I usually end up wishing I had more.

Sam and I have surprisingly similar taste.


I keep thinking, if you could make being a reseller of Kosmo kits JUSSST break even; that would still be a pretty sweet deal.

Cause then you could spend the rest of your time being Scar Face on top of a pile of PCBs getting high on your own supply.


I am so down for being the reseller in Australia.

I don’t think it will be that simple. Teaming up with overseas resellers (synthcube, foundsound etc) or e-fulfilment partner is a business decision for Sam and his publisher to make.


Oh yes, you are absolutely right. I’m just day dreaming About “the world being mine”


Just got to say again: Spring reverb!
BUT - with exposed spring. Just listen to this, so expressive! :nerd_face:


My suggestion for a new module / project would be a simple CV to Neopixel controller, similar to the A-197-3 from doepfer. Theres a few floating around the net but I couldnt find one thats documented very well, and I saw a few comments about it being so simple it doesnt need to be. Obviously that level of simplicity is still over my head…

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Maybe look at this?


that’s pretty good actually and a cool channel to boot, i was thinking something more like this:


by the way! the next one is definitely spring reverb, I had a prototype arrivestart of this week however I was wayyy too optimistic with packing the circuit board too tightly and I couldn’t even make it, so in the middle of redesigning it in a 10cm wide module as opposed to a 5cm wide. as it has too much stuff for 5cm, it had components over jack sockets etc it wouldn’t have made sense. also with this is the modulation station as some people requested that so ill put some on the store.

New Years resolution is to resurrect the regular modules, starting with the 2 above start of feb. :slight_smile:


… just sayin’…


yeah most definitely ha. I was thinking about it, but I have been going with 5 and 10 on mine, I think. 7.5 would just rub me up the wrong way. going to redesign over the weekend so who knows maybe 7.5. it was the first thing I thought about but thinking about it made me feel a bit dirty inside from an obsessive stand point, which I know I should shrug off haha.


but if its any consolation I am still tempted. :D. gotta put pen to paper and really do some soul searching


Some kind of Benjolin/Blippoo Box Kosmo would be fun.


Spring reverb’s on my list of planned modules. I haven’t made a decision which design to go with, though. So this one would definitely come under consideration. Any unusual features?

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did someone say spring reverb

springs from a Hammond tone cabinet the one on left is a custom box I built driven by a 5 watt stereo tube amp on the right is what they look like bare just the spring unit a little over 90 cm tall !