Personal stuff has kept me away from doing much synth DIY (or even paying attention to the wiki i kickstarted welp) in the last two months but i still took a little picture of the setup a few weeks ago, i forgot to post here when i did:
I have browsed this forum extensively, but I have not found a thread on the prefered placement of modules in a case. I am curious what all of you prefer
After some moving around with the different modules, I have settled for this layout in my case, as it seems to make for the most efficient for me, i.e. shortest patch cables and best access. My case has an upper and bottom 20cm high row, and a middle 10cm row.
My thought process in planning this layout has been to work from left to right for the top row: oscillators, filter, VCAs, delay (in the works), mixer.
Secondly, that the modules in the top row are modulated from the middle/bottom row. With the main clock source on the left, attenuators and multiples in the middle, and clock divider on the right near the envelopes and drum.
And the bottom row clocked from the middle row. With the bottom row left to right: first modulation sources, sequencer (directly underneath the oscillators), second modulation sources, envelopes (directly underneath the VCAs), and one or more drum modules.
Most do seem to flow left to right. Perhaps to follow the audio path and control lines in some order? Even lefties do it. Is this the same in the Arab speaking world?
Just keep filling and playing; it’s your project so you make the rules.
Some like to organize by function (oscillators over here, filters over there), some by voice (an oscillator and a filter etc. over here, another oscillator and filter etc. over there). It depends on how you like to work.
I find it interesting that people mostly agree to organise their modules from left to right. Guitar pedals have their inputs on the right, and pedalboards almost always have a signal path from right to left.
Finally got the newly expanded Kosmodrome back together, modules re-ordered and all the recent ones added. A couple of modules need to come out for troubleshooting though. I’m short a blank panel or two but that problem will correct itself once I’ve built a couple more modules. The empty spaces mostly are allocated to planned but not yet built modules.
it is supposed to be the “gray meanie” bought it as a " demo" model from Sweetwater for a real good deal . well come to find out that it was actually the guts from a standard 2600 .I was a bit pissed , but it was a good deal even for the standard model and I didn’t feel like shipping it back and all that crap so I just kept it .
yes a plywood case . goes nice with the 100 series [ Behringer , Roland clone ] euro rack modules i have . can’t see them well in the picture but there is a couple rows worth .