1 - THE VCO (immediately below this Table of Contents)
2 - THE VCF (Voltage Control Filter)
3 - THE VCA (Voltage Control Amplifier)
5 - VCLFO (Voltage Control Low Frequency Oscillator)
Others modules :
1 - THE VCO (Voltage Control Oscillator) :
The oscillator is the main element of the modular synthesizer.
It is it what produces the sound (a continuous tone). Often different wave shapes (waveforms) are available as outputs. The most important waveforms are sine, triangle, saw, and square. While the frequency of a tone determines its pitch, the waveform determines its timbre or character.
The VCO has a potentiometer (a knob) to adjust the frequency or pitch of the note. This knob is often labelled Frequency or also Tune.
Also one or more CV (control voltage) inputs (1V / octave or not) can adjust the pitch and other parameters with an electrical signal sent by another module, like an LFO (low frequency oscillator) to give a tremolo or vibrato effect.
Another use of the CV input is having a signal sent by a sequencer, allowing it to play a different note on each step of the sequencer.
Sync (synchronisation) allows two VCOs to be linked together (one master and the other slave).
FM (frequency modulation) a little another kind of CV IN to also modulate the frequency.
PW (pulse width) works only with the square wave and acts on the width of the wave.
like this :
PWM (pulse width modulation) pot is an attenuator for the PWM input.
Send a voltage with another module into the Input jack PWM to control the PW pot without touching it with your hands (for exemple with a very slow LFO )