I believe the technical term is “a fuckton of soldering”
Oh, and
POSCA markers are worth their high price if you have a good use for them. They dispense acrylic paint, not ink, making them suitable for many uses where ink won’t stick. I like to use them on 3D prints. One example:
(not exactly my cleanest painted 3D model, as the features are very small, but I wanted to post something synth-related)
Poscas are great! I use them to fill in the etched features in my laser etched face plates. They are very opaque and easy to clean off which alcohol if you make a mistake.
well they are coming together . you like the crazy paint job , it started raining right after I sprayed them .
Pretty rad actually.
Love the effect =) (20 char limit bs lol)
Me too, good luck trying to replicate it though
What material are these face plates made of?
The control panel is matte black acrylic and the back panel with just the text and ports is smoke/grey mirror acrylic.
just have to actually check the weather before painting outside
Or go to a golf course where they use sprinklers to water the green
Yes, that’s exactly what I thought it was, but looking at it closer now I see it’s the module tester. I built both last year and they do look similar.
finely got the Ethernet case connectors done .
these should cut down on a lot of long cables between cases as each Ethernet cable will carry 8 patch points .
I will put the big panel in my controller case and the others in the different cases in my system .
So I remembered using a laser to create the resist layer for PCB etching was a thing and that I have a laser. So I am giving this a try for the XR-VCO. Should have my ferric chloride tomorrow. I am pretty optimistic this will work really well. Too bad Thomas Henry’s PCB layout is kind of ridiculously big and won’t fit properly in Eurorack. Maybe it’s time for a Kosmo case…
Light alcohol cleaning seems necessary.
I wonder whether a shiny surface could damage the laser head in some way because I noticed when trying to cut some thin aluminum foil (which did not work) that the air assist nozel got really hot, which normally does not happen. I gather this was caused by excessive reflections. Any opinions?
CO2 lasers can’t cut metals, only organic materials. For that you need a fiber laser. For this I am just etching away a layer of paint, so I am not worried about reflections. You can etch anodized aluminum, but all that’s doing is breaking down the anodization.