Module requests

And I have two of them! To be fair, it’s really a combined mixer/filter module.


Yeah I have two as well. I just can’t resist the MS-20 filter and I rather like the space it makes (in terms of dangling cables) so that I can get to the all-important cutoff. That said, I welcome new small filters and the attenuators.


I love the performance filter. It’s the centerpiece of the line if you ask me! I want one that is 40x40cm!


You know. I was wondering just how big of a knob was available for purchase. Or maybe we need to rig up a steering wheel to control the cutoff.



You just need four to accomplish 40cm x 40cm. Bonus, you’ll have four of them! :rofl:


@lookmumnocomputer should use these on his next Megadrone


I collected knobs made for Raytheon that are going on the big frequency cutoff pot with 1.5 inch diameter and a chickenhead like unique handle.

-Fumu / Esopus

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Did you ever build this? Does it work well?

I’m considering a version of that, maybe adding an OLED and some pushbuttons for configuration.


No, I did not have the time and also I have Sam’s midimuso now… :-/


I could see use for a global voltage control LFO. Some LFO are set per voice whereas some are set globally (I used the information about Novation Summit.) What I see is a simpler LFO a bit stricter on the features packed with outs and maybe 5cm? It would be like the henchman to the evil genius 1145 VCLFO as his global plans are executed.

-Fumu / Esopus

Hey Sam, have you any plans for a simple compressor module?


I would really like some sort of sample player/modifier based on cv. Such that I can scramble my audio up and make all sorts of funky stuff, maybe even grain-based! With play speed mod, reverse, audio freeze and start/end point as cv-inputs or something. :slight_smile:


thats a pretty general " really like " but you are in the right place to start …


I know that I’m certainly not an expert, but I would really like to start building something like a granular synth and was hoping to find the right people for that here. I know that an arduino has not enough memory capacity, so it would get already pretty complex alone from that… but if some of you know a bit more about this stuff, I’m open for it :slight_smile:

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Hi! Have a look at the nootropic audiohacker board: Arduino Audio Hacker Realtime Voice Changer | Project Lab

They use some granular synth techniques here from which you could start. It is basically an Arduino with 12 bit adc and dac and some additional memory. I am building a Kosmo version from it, but It is not yet ready and probably needs other controls for the granular synthesis stuff, but maybe worth checking out?


I got interested in finding out more about granular synthesis once. It didn’t last long: I found multiple sources that didn’t even agree on what granular synthesis actually is. I got the impression it was a buzzword for a bunch of fundamentally different ideas.


My favorite granular build is still the original arduino version. Very simple and cheap to make.

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Every glitch guitar pedal and circuit bent 90’s digital sampler says it’s doing granular synthesis. I believe once there was a great idea with granular but then everyone wanted in. This is my favorite idea. The first? Not sure.

-Fumu / Esopus

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By granular synthesis I mean something like ableton live’s granulator or the clouds module in granular mode from MI, to create glitchy sounds out of vocal chops and stuff like that. Look at artists like flume, he uses this all the time and I love the sound of it :slight_smile: