Module requests




But with panning!


This is basically three simple mixer designs, where each input is connected to all three, right? The switches are mute? What do the additional inputs on the top row do?

yep its 3 mixers with summed inputs. I have a big VCA version of this I have for the mega machine, I may get a few made for the store however its a very expensive project, so I may re think it cut atm its using 40 AS3320 chips which is welā€¦ plus the knobsā€¦ and pots, quite a pricey project!


Yikes, if I could afford that, Iā€™d buy Eurorack modules


exactly hence why its never appeared!!! gunna do an lm13700 version I think. same amount of lm13700ā€™s but at least more affordable


But the 40 AS3320 / LM13700 are only necessary if you want 40 VCAs, right? For a simple mixer you just need a few tl074s, or am I missing something? I just thought that I would like to have a mixer for (future) drum modules, where I can send them through different (3 in this case) busses for different effects.


If you donā€™t need voltage control, yes, itā€™s just a few TL07x.


indeed! thatā€™s what the 241 is doing, its literally 6 opamps and a bunch of knobs :smiley:


indeed Sebastian! to be honest I didnt really think about just making the 241, as itā€™ll be the same oversized pcb/panels. but! if people are interested I may very well do so. as for panning! not too sure if the layout suits it but ill see if I can fit it in, so 8 or 10 inputs and 3 or 4 outputs. also the above also has jacks to isolate each of the rows. so they become their own separate mixers if things are plugged in, quite useful! ill just design a 241 it wont take a massive amount of time. and then work on the big VCA matrix a little later on! as its a big momma project.


Yes. Please! I would love some CV panning.


Might be cheaper/easier as a stripboard project with a lot of drilling and wiring then! Iā€™ll go with that, I think.
With separate mixers you mean the whole rows of 8 inputs (ABC)? like the 1183 quad vca mix? What happens if I plug in a jack in one of the many holes in the A row?


sadly this is when it gets complicated again as cv on panning we are talking VCAā€™s, for good panning 2 per channelā€¦ so its likely ill be making different iterations, starting with the bare minimum. like the 241 imaged, because in my experience! its been useful regardless. then after that ill make a 241 mk2 at some point which will have more cv control panning etc!


they are s2witched jacks. I did that mod after I made it because I had more than 8 drums I needed to mix, so I made A row have switched jacks so when nothing is plugged into them the bottom jacks will travel into the A row. but if you plug in one of the jacks on the A row. it isolates that line so it becomes a separate channel if that makes sense


making a 241 project has been on the to do list anyway as it has broken down a couple of times due to the panel wiring being shaked to cause shorts! so it is on the to do list. deviated a bit this month, it looks like there will be 3 modules out at the same time in October, and a bit thin on the ground in September with some prototyping aids PCBā€™s.


Does the 241 have mute switches for each channel? I was thinking on off on-momentary to be able to bring things in and out quickly for some synth/beat juggling, could be really fun.

@lookmumnocomputer I remember you were working on busboards/power supply PCBs at some point. Is that something you will put up on the store at some point?


Would love a new LMNC filter, the performance filter in the shop is maybe a bit massiveā€¦ even the same functionality with a slimmer panel would be appreciatedā€¦


Youā€™re in luck. A new one should be out relatively soon and, from what Iā€™ve seen of it, itā€™s going to be rad. I think it will be 10cm wide instead of 20.


So yes and noā€¦ yes new filter coming, and not as wide, but itā€™s maybe not a replacement for the 1113. I agree that a compactified 1113 would be a good thing. I mean, I deride the Eurorack cult of slenderness all the time but 20 cm is rather crazy for a single filter.