KOSMO Setup pics

  • I am making progress on my backlog. four of the official LMNC modules missing till I got them all built at least once. (sequencer, midi-muso, midi-cv and expander) (+ upcoming voice)
  • If this look like a mixture between your grandma’s living room and childs place that is because it is both

  • My prototype drawings for a future cart to place the whole thing one
  • Pure coincidence that someoe famous around here built whells for his synth too :wink:
  • I imagine a metal frame with wooden inlays
  • Doulbesided as all my cases (front and back are potentialy playable)
  • 19’’ rack equipment on the left side, two drawers on the right
  • Drawers for keys (center) and mixer (right)
  • Space for speakers under the keys
  • Integrated cable management
  • Handles on both ends (not pictured)
  • Individually moveable heavy duty wheels
  • Like a workshop trolley but synth style :slight_smile:
  • Annotations are german but i think you get it… (front, right, back, top, bottom)