I’m still not 100% decided on what to work on today. A little birdy told me that there might be a PCB for the valve distorting VCA on the way - but I might just work on it today anyway. Also would like to get an envelope generator done. And maybe start on VCO #2?
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I got some good headway on this one today (after realizing I was doing everything mirrored again). Got the stripboard portion done and whipped up this quick little face plate template. Now I gotta wait for the paint to dry… and for my TL01 to come in!
If anyone wants the illustrator file for this, just let me know.
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yes please thanks in advance
The link seems to be broken. Or atleast for me it is??
What tubes are you planning to use? I just received a number of 1J24B Russia. I was looking at a design insprired by Ken Stone’s. I will however following this thread with great interrest.
I keep forgetting the forum is not a fan of twitch links!
Anyone have a suggestion on a good place to put files related to the specific modules?
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