I’m following sam’s video’s for quite a while now. I was always very intrested in modular synths but the price of a single module is the thing that holds me back. With his video’s he made me enthusiastic to build my own modules. I have a bit experience with Eagle and making PCB’s for my own iot projects and some basic PCBs for my job. So i started to translate his Performance VCO to a Eurorack format.
awesome!!! looking good what program did you use? looks prime to extend the pcb to include sockets that would be cool!!! but its awesome nethertheless±!
that is awesome i would love if sam dropped both formats for sale. i keep buying the kosmo format to support sam but haven’t built them as i don’t have space, but i do have a euro rack set up.
Thanks guys for the comments! @lookmumnocomputer: i wanted to stay under the 10x10mm limit for a cheaper PCB, thats why the sockets are not on the PCB. And i use Eagle for the design.
@analogoutput: Haha thanks and sharp, i didn’t even notice! i will update the frontpanel file.
for some reason when I opened the file up in EasyEDA, it moved a couple silkscreen’s on the top layer around.
Am I correct in assuming this goes to these outputs?