To Sam , from the Kosmonuts

Hi Sam hope you are well , I have a question about LMNC , Kosmos . while I don’t plan on making anything myself anytime soon . I see that someone who has made face panels got permission to use logos / likenesses . I know you are neck deep in the museum and probably a million other things but this seems like something that should be addressed as more of us build and offer our own modules . I see LMNC as your trade mark logo and Kosmo as a format . but then there is Kosmo the being and all his mutant family in your videos . so where do we draw the line on what we use ? . do we contact you before using anything LMNC or even Kosmo ? . you have been a real inspiration , don’t want to cross any lines on what you feel is yours. maybe a statement to help clarify were the boundaries are so there are no lines crossed / hard feelings in the future.


This is a wonderful post.

How I feel about using the KOSMO Logo on my first run of Panel Blanks:
I see “KOSMO Format” as an inspiration for DIYer’s and Performers alike to create a community behind, much like other well known Formats.
I also see “KOSMO” as a character/being/personality/etc. and that is something truly special. This is something I personally would never touch, and never cross the line into as KOSMO the “Person” is not mine to adjust. :slight_smile:
As for utilizing logos with Sam’s Permission, it gives the DIYer’s a chance to have modules with pretty faceplates and helps our community grow!! :smiley:
I think we all should never step into the boundaries of utilizing things beyond the initial logo, the Furby Logo, and such. Because that is Sam’s world to adjust :smiley:
(This is all personal opinion, please know this :slight_smile: )

As for the Format: A lot of us are starting to use our own beautiful logos for our Modules :smiley: that happen to be in KOSMO Format. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:
@analogoutput has a really neat circle logo, @CTorp has been using these cool crystal formations with his initials, and I started using my crucFX yo-yo boy Logo :slight_smile:
(although I do have 1 40cm module coming that has a KOSMO K logo on it, but one of these will be being sent to Sam, since me and @CTorp think he needs it… lol)

I am genuinely glad a question like this was brought up! :smiley:


Lovely topic! I can bring my view on it from one who has no specific aim in making modules from the Kosmo format. Artists in the community I come from have made their own template for characters that usually are aimed at giving members of that community their original character. The general aspects of that template are sometimes guarded in the community so that the template can’t be used for another artist’s mode of business within the community. It’s like if the Kosmo format couldn’t be used by anyone in the community except Sam Battle. If another artist offered their template for giving free original characters then the template would still be regarded as the artist’s property but it’s open without creating original characters being in the artist’s mode of business. Kosmo format is like the open template for original characters which our members within this community can design modules which do not intrude upon Kosmo the person. Kosmo the person is like the original character the artist made from their self made template which Sam has right to property how he presents Kosmo the person in all aspects Sam is representing himself and like @d42kn355 said because it’s “Sam’s world.” I haven’t any projects to bring modules out presently. I have a project to make a template for original characters which I plan to have ready along with performance on my own instrument. I’ll use the template to make the original character which will be my own alongside the previous of my original characters, Fumu and Esopus. The new original character is unnamed. In kind to our own members of the community who’ve used logos on their modules I’ll have a generic template face or three quarters or whole body as a logo for mine. I have a name for the template which all of you will know when it’s time. In my belief when the appropriate use of our own logos and the LMNC, 90’s toy and Kosmo logos can share a panel then it will be apparent to an uneducated observer like fair use. I wouldn’t wish to step over Sam’s world in my own art. They are in their own observable boundaries. I’m really thankful for the opportunity given by his creativity to this community.

-Fumu / Esopus


I know that most of this goes without saying , just respect each other. of course the boundaries apply to everyone’s art work and logos. probably should include original pcb design to . though most have put their stuff on github and said it was ok to use. and everyone here seems to be respectful of others work . I guess I am being pessimistic about human nature being what it is there is always someone to take advantage or maybe just not thinking about it . an example may be that someone comes along thinks they can make some cash by selling a bunch of modules that are someones else’s design or have their logo on it. our use something like an image that may seem offensive to someone [ adolf kosmo , for example ] . I just hope we can keep this in mind and continue to respect each other going forward , its been a fun ride so far .


@devicex does make me realize the real truth when it comes to the internet and communities. It’s fair to feel pessimistic. In most creative communities not all of the members are bad. We’ve some good ones ported over from them here. The internet has magnified the focus on some class of bad members of them though. In an example to bring up on the internet the furries is a really big community and that’s not centered around any person by which their personality leads towards respect for one another. It’s by nature not a centralized community. However Sam’s good nature along with his community starting off with not a whole lot of us has kept the optics very good on any way it’s focused. We’ve been all of good behavior. I hope we maintain that respect for each other and that thing called property but most of all each other.

-Fumu / Esopus