so after chatting about @TimMJN 's new Kosmo format clock module. I had a chat with Tim and it came up in convo bout modular grid.
I figured it was worth asking if it was time at all for the kosmo format to possibly get a category. im not sure wether its right or not. but its just a though as there are actually if you think about it quite a number of contributors.
just a though. If you think its worthwhile please send them a tweet or reply to my tweet with them added
maybe it isn’t time. maybe it isnt ready. but I thought I should just put this idea out there!
I’d also love for somebody to set up a Kosmo store (other than Reverb/Tindie and the BST thread) where I can browse and shop for all of the different PCB/Panels that people are making. It’d be great if we could even add our own, maybe with a little bit of profit sharing or pay what you want…
How many Kosmo PCBs and panels have been produced and offered to others? (Stripboard layouts, non-offered PCBs/panels, etc., would be things to count separately.)
From me I count 6 PCBs+panels plus 5 panels for other PCBs (and 1 panel for no PCB at all):
We’re in a community that essentially started on the technology that’s the same as MG. It would make sense. Modular is a form that anyone can learn by reading and joining in conversations on the internet. There’s marketplaces for all the materials necessary and sometimes in bundles as in the kits. When a modular case is being planned there’s MG to aid and it’s a community as well. Kosmo would be benefited from simply knowing where is the optimal place to put everything in the wooden racks and screw them into the ideal spots.
When I thought of how a format goes on I looked if other formats have made it on MG. I didn’t even find any mention first. It confused me looking up this very topic. I stumbled upon something with AE. They’ve talked with MG and apparently they found there wasn’t interest from them. Why? I’m actually not sure but I’d bet the answer was money and getting stores interested in carrying AE.
However if you asked me it’s right and Kosmo should be in MG. Kosmo grew fast and people are learning of the format everywhere. I think it’s time will come. Maybe some popular modular maker will make Kosmo for stores to carry. I want to brand my own modules at the right time. I’m not sure if I’ll sell them or put the PCB images out. Kosmo was and is still growing beyond the LMNC modules almost all through the release of PCB images which I’m hoping brings the format more attention. I guess it’s kind of radical to give something away but that can spawn a lot of growth. Even LMNC has stripboard layouts which is like giving something for free. I believe beyond the need to see the money maybe one day MG will turn to seeing Kosmo as being a big thing. Has MG spoken yet on this? What’s their motivation to move onto Kosmo?
I don’t have Twitter but I think it’s a great idea. It would be good to have a database of all the Kosmo modules, and it would also give Kosmo a lot more exposure.
I would be able to add:
Kosmic Superspreader
Noise generator.
And a couple more prototypes that don’t quite work yet…
Edit: MOTM has 4 votes, it’s on MG so I don’t see why not.
thanks for the reply everyone lets see what they say. who knows!maybe it needs another year lets see how it goes along. the great thing is like @KardashevTypeII mentions its grown beyond its initial means, so lets see where it goes.
For another statistic, this forum currently has 855 members. Not all are active of course (looks like about 230 have visited in the past month), and not all are building Kosmo, and probably not all Kosmo builders are active here, but that maybe gives a sense of the numbers.
I’m a web developer, and while I think a fully functional modular grid clone might be beyond what I have time to commit to at the moment, I was thinking of building something where Kosmo builders can advertise their projects - specifically projects that have either schematics/gerbers ready to go with a BOM, or a panel/pcb kit available to buy. The site would have filters to allow someone to filter by function, hp, whether it’s a schematic/pcb+panel/full kit etc. In the interest of making it open to anyone to contribute, the site’s code would be hosted on github with an easy way (i.e. csv/markdown rather than HTML) for people to add details of their projects.