Opening Kicad via Git

I was attempting a SMD build and realized that the screen printing on the PCB was less clear than I would have hoped.

I found the github for the project here but am having some trouble opening the project with Kicad. All of the files seem to say that its not a valid project file.

Gillet’s design files are Eagle format, not KiCad. And they’re the old Eagle format (or at least many are) which KiCad can’t import.

Some time ago I forked the repo, loaded the design files into Eagle, and output them again in the new Eagle format which KiCad can import. In some cases I did import them into KiCad and saved them in KiCad format.

Kinks is here:

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That seems like an incredible amount of time and effort - and greatly appreciated. Though I am still having trouble opening the files! Is my Kicad too recent perhaps? I’m on 6.0

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I’m on 7.0 and it opens for me with no problem.

You do have to download all the files in the directory linked above — it’s probably quicker and easier just to download the entire repo from Then go into mutable_eurorack-master/kinks/hardware_design/pcb/KiCad and open kinks_v41.kicad_pro.


There it is! And if git dies, there is yet another backup copy on my computer now.

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