New to DIY Kosmo build

Are you aware that those resistors P10K, need to be very accurate to 10K, it’s possible to find some in a batch but you may have issues if you just use any old 10K.


yeah picked up on that one thanks though

was grateful for the difference in pcb slot symbol to make me double check

I actually have two lots of 10k resistor here, im nearly positive i brough some precision ones when preparing for the build, but i dont know which one is which! is there any way to tell

also @Caustic that is amazingly useful thank you! should be able to debug a big muff clone that doesnt work now!

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Just check with resistance on your meter, should be bang on 10K for every one in the strip.


You’d expect the precision ones to have more color bands, and one of the bands also specify the tolerance. Otherwise you can just measure them; you need a bunch of resistors that are as close to each other as possible, but whether they’re chosen from a bunch of quality 1% resistors or something fancier doesn’t really matter.

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Ok lemme try checking the resistance on them, from memory the last strip is brown like all the others, I’ll have to check but that’s the tolerance right?

okaaaaay, resistors are only 1% but got some 0.1% on the way

a few more things! for the cermet trimmer there isnt an indication as to which way they go, are they bidirectional?

also is there a wiring diagram for the molex to 12 way rotary switch, i can see some markings on the pcb but dont know how to read them, am building the performance VCO’s

its progressing though! few more bits on their way and i should have this thing built!

Yeah, the wiper is (almost) always the center pin, so they’re symmetrical (but see the 1222 build note below):


What’s up @fluxpavilion! Been a fan for years, saw your show with Doctor P in Seattle like 10 years ago now—good times. cant wait to see what you do with kosmo bud

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If you have a bunch of 1% 10K you can probably find several within 0.1% using a multimeter.

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As @fredrik mentioned, they are electrically symmetrical, but when building the #1222 VCO, you must put them in the correct orientation so that the adjusting screw aligns with the holes in the front panel.


whats up!

excited to be here :slight_smile:


ok awesome @antoine.pasde2 thanks

ill make sure they line up somehow!

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wow, big fan, who would have thought we would be seeing you around here. Welcome.


This guy?

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ha yeah thats me!

i chose my username on autopilot, figured id add my logo and own it, wasnt trying to show off!

Sam’s videos keep me alive on tour, now im not on tour i can build stuff i have wanted to for years!

thanks for your help so far, im sure there will be plenty more questions . . . :slight_smile: