Def gonna have to get a phone dialer.
That’s awesome! I love the playset.
This is extremely cool and the name could be “The LEDialer”
@sebastian’s ladder filter! Haven’t matched transistors or capacitors yet but I had to see how she would look with knobs, I think pretty badass!
Ah, it’s so cool to see other people building “your” designs!! (the filter is from Kassutronics, I only did the Kosmo conversion, but still!) When you have it ready, please tell me if you also have this issue(?) that with increased resonance it is lacking the low frequencies quite a bit… I read it somewhere that this is typical for this filter type, but I am not sure… maybe @klausklaerwerk could also check?
EDIT: Found this here:
So many times on forums I see people (who are new to analog) say that “the filter on ______ synth is weak because it loses all the bass with high resonance.”
The Minibrute, which was one of the first cheap analog synths in our current revival, has a rare design that counters that. And for many people who got one as their first analog due to price, that might have shaped your sense of what a filter does.
Transistor ladder filters (Moog-type)
Diode ladder filters (VCS Synthi / TB-303)
Cascade filter (ARP)
OTA filters (Roland SH)
CEM filters
SSM filtersAll do this. The extent the resonance causes a volume drop can differ from synth to synth, but stop thinking you can do self-oscillating filter sweeps with a 40hz bass presence.
So, it’s possibly normal
I’ll be sending out the remaining copies this week. Guess I should have print 10 for us Americans. You guys correct me if I’m wrong but I have the four remaining panels/pcbs set aside for @ChristianBloch @d42kn355 @JUXTAPOZ74 and @popflier
Yeah it is normal. It was the same in my moog mf101
Hahahahaha! Yes! Might actually make one. For no good reason. Maybe a bolt and a grinder could do the trick.
Today I built Sam’s simple mixer, but changed the input resistance so that my Korg Volca sample is on synth volume level. I still have to label it, I think I’ll call it “lowlow”
Pretty happy with how this one turned out. I built my dekadrone in its own enclosure built from pieces of a curbside find crate.
I added 3.5mm jacks to same side as the power jack.
The waveform of a single oscillator is pretty interesting:
Gets complex pretty quickly, though:
I built it with three 1uF, four 10uF, and three 22uF capacitors. Time for some power chords!
Absolute lovely !!! Nothing more to say !
Currently working and finalizing DOGVOICE/BARK
Peter has never actually “released” DOGVOICE - so I decided to message him before I actually produce and sell these. (waiting on a response, but from what I am told - he usually doesnt care lol)
(90 degree naysayers GO AWAY… - my 400$ SHNTH is full of 90’s and works fantastically… )
Some info about DOGVOICE:
"The Conrad Papers
I originally intended to control the light box with some slow triangle forms, and the circuits evolved from there.
The Piezo Preamp adds an element of touch. If you embed a piezo in a suitable surface, such as the slit-drum (which isolates the vibration from other piezos), you can make pulses by lightly tapping it there. The preamp adds a decay to them as well as creating auxiliary pulses. There is a compliment to the Preamp, appropriately called “Antipreamp”, which creates an inverted signal.
The most common cell is called “Swoop”, which is so named because it creates a simple up-down gesture, with pulses to mark its middle and endpoints. It is triggered by pulses (at their * node) and also create pulses (at their + node). Each puts out a triangle after triggering at the * node, and each receives a control voltage at the + node. So you see, each of the two nodes is both input and output, dealing with pulse as well as DC voltages. The condensing of nodes is important to make (re)patching the multiplicity into an intuitive affair, and it emphasizes a strong Yin-Yang nature. To compliment the Swoop, there is an Antiswoop, which is a simple inversion of its gesture. Swoops and Antiswoops can be chained together in any combination, looped, woven, and triggered by Preamps or Antipreamps.
With a strong gestural basis, I realized an audio manifestation is important to compliment the lux manifestation; hence, “Dogvoice”. It actually has two voices within it, and each one has four knobs. Each dogvoice has two primitive high frequency PUJT oscillators, one fixed and one variable. They are heterodyned to make low frequency tones. And then there is a ladder low pass filter, which has some controversy about its inventor. Some say Bob Moog did it and he certainly was smart enough. it also shows up in Arp designs, and there was legal action by Moog against Arp for this. This could have been similar to the Chowning/Yamaha/Buchla debate over “who invented FM synthesis?”. Into the fray steps a Japanese man, Ken Takayama, who is rumored to have invented the ladder filter as well as FM synthesis. Anyway, the ladder low pass filter does a neat job, it has variable resonance as well as a subtle collection of quirks and squirts due to the non-linearities of the transistors. So in a dogvoice we have a very idiosyncratic radio heterodyne oscillator with volume control, and a squirky filter on top. It has four knobs: Pitch, Filter, Resonance, and Volume. It has two inputs: * modulates the filter, and + modulates the volume. Because of all its eddies and squirks, these inputs roll it through almost vocal sounds, hence its name, suggesting growls, yelps as well as the hisses and ultrasound ghosts a dog would hear in its dreams.
Philosophically this montage is intended for installations and longer performances where its dronal nature can become sumptuous. A darkened room responds to bongo taps as lights start to fade in and out. Two dogs growl in the corner. Dimensional transmution of standard living room."
I don’t know where you’re headed with all of these, but I’m here for it.
Some progress on my super rollz-5 build
Doing a bunch of modifications to the original circuits as well (hence all the resistors with wires lol)
My “FunKey54” wasn’t fun anymore…
So I separated the “Fun” from the “Key”:
And kept the keys by adding a circuit to generate Gate and CV:
I love that protoboard!
What’s the IC?
is TL074…
It’s pretty nice, though not perfect. I just made some small design changes. Might have some for sale one of these days, but I’m keeping the remaining 3 of the first batch. Also might work up a larger version; this was purposely kept under 10 cm for testing.