My build progress

Slow more progress this weekend, mainly due to being a Dad taxi… Kept following along with the @moritzklein x es.EDU VCO manual, but got stuck on the tuning step. Just couldn’t get the thing into tune at all, the Noodle Toaster wasn’t much help, other than showing me how far off I was. It felt like the trim pot wouldn’t go far enough.

Anyhoo, decided to spend some time in DIYLC recreating the hand drawn breadboards for my set up, with all the Kosmo Mini helper boards and what not. Once that was done, I popped out to the office and stripped the breadboard, while doing this I check the values of a couple of resistors to make sure they were going back into the correct bag, and found what I’d thought was a 1K5, was actually a 470Ω, which would probably explain why I couldn’t tune the thing.

So I built the breadboard back up, following the DIYLC layout I’d made. It sounds a lot better now, although it’s still really high pitched when the coarse POT is in the middle.

I was using the Noodle Toaster’s Control Voltage generator function with the “1 octave arpeggio (alternates between 1V and 2V), 2 octave arpeggio (alternates between 1V and 3V), chromatic scale (goes from 1V to 2V by 1/12V increments)”, the problem is, I don’t know what note 1V, or 2V is supposed to represent. The Noodle Toaster’s Audio input function gives me a note on it’s screen, I just don’t know what that should be when my coarse POT is pretty much in the middle of its range, and how the 1V (etc) is supposed to change that…?