Another one for the litany of dumbassery thread… Thought I’d breakout the soldering iron and try to desolder the capacitors and ICL7660 chips from the DSO Shell analogue board. First time the iron has been used in a while and I couldn’t get it to hold solder, let along melt the solder on the board.
After a bit of flux, wire wool, tip tinner and patience I manage to get it sort of working, although look the other way and it was dull and black again. Anyhoo, decided to have a bash at soldering up the Kosmo Mini power boards, replacing the 10R resistors with diodes, guess what happened next…
Stupidly cut the diode boards off their legs, and now can’t get the legs out and don’t have anything thin enough to shovel into the holes to push them. Off to order a new iron tip, might buy some really thin drill bits as well.