Moog acquired by inMusic

Moog has announced that it’s now part of inMusic, the music technology super-company that already owns the likes of Akai Pro, Alesis, M-Audio, Denon, Numark and Rane.

I had never heard of inMusic before just now, but just that name screams “low quality cheap plastic crap.” And looking over their list of brands now…uh yup.

I need this to be a lesson to anyone who ever bought into Moog’s “employee-owned” bull***t.

By design, Moog was only 49% employee controlled, with the other 51% of ownership held entirely by the CEO of the company.

If a company is “employee-owned” but the employees still don’t have any actual agency in how the company is run, what you really have is just an unstable retirement plan with good PR.

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I don’t own a Moog, I never have, perhaps I never will.

I don’t think I’ve ever owned a product from any of the brands on that list that didn’t break in some way. RIP Moog.

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Moog, the Hewlett Packard of synthesizers.

“I remember when Moog made the best synthesizers in the world!” “Sure, grandpa, let’s get you to bed.”


My Etherwave pro is the only moog product I’ve ever wanted. Will this move make moog gear cheaper?
Best to all.

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Not sure about all the fuss, but I played around with an AKAI Professional Force recently and it felt absolutely high quality. To be honest, I think it’s way better than the Push 2 :wink:
I also had some M-Audio speakers which had an amazing sound for their pricetag and Rane Serato Scratch was kind of the first high-quality system for playing audio files from the computer on a vinyl (I was never a fan of that but I had my hands on it once I was a hobby DJ and it was indistinguishable from actual vinyls). Denon has high quality gear too for DJs (one of my friends uses three of the SC6000 Primes).

I had never heard of inMusic before just now, but just that name screams “low quality cheap plastic crap.” And looking over their list of brands now…uh yup.

“uh yup”, I say the opposite (I agree that inMusic sounds cheap though) :wink: but my sample size is probably comparable, so whatever

Anyways, I don’t feel like this is the end of the world for Moog :laughing:

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Moog is over, basically.


I’ve got an mAudio Oxygen keyboard that was, I think, made before mAudio was acquired by inMusic. I tried to get support for it and each party pointed at the other one and nobody would do anything at all.

Oooops, I take it back, that really could be the end of the world for Moog :grimacing:

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