Module requests

its surprising you have much time at all with all the work on the museum . which is looking awesome by the way , hope to visit one day .



I wouldnā€™t ask for it to be next in line but I had thought of it when I took my Gameboy out by request. Some Gameboy seem to short and lose power when touched but I think I can save them on a Gameboy Oscillator module. The plan was to finish having 4 and only touch the one that works the best, saving the others for the module. I wouldnā€™t use the Gameboy Oscillator all the time. Whichever oscillators get the link and the driver headers Iā€™ll be using primarily for a solo voice and a bass voice.

-Fumu / Esopus

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Maybe also some strip board or documentation on the midi conditioners and cc injector things from the gameboy megamachine and triple oscillator?

I wonder how that LMNC spring reverb is coming alongā€¦ :smiley:


I kept adding bits, bit of a rookie error sorry haha. will have a demo in the next day or two! also got a 40cm wide filter weird module nearly done and a 40cm wide vca matrix mixer with input protection for test equipment, those kind of took over eeek


Nice!! Sorry to pester about it, but thatā€™s really whatā€™s missing for my sound!

40cm?! Youā€™re killing me, man! Iā€™ve already got ~140cm of Kosmo here - whereā€™s it going to fit?

Currently on the hunt for some good scrap for my second boxā€¦


YES! Canā€™t wait! I will always make room for more filters.


Just more excuses to make more modules!


Nooooo! I want to make music now! :stuck_out_tongue:

But I donā€™t like verb VSTs, so I want a proper analog reverb with a feedback knob! And another amp. And a sample and hold. And an XOR. And another screechy noise machine. And a phaser. And an EQ. And a clap. And a BPF.

Okay, maybe one more case full of modules. Then Iā€™ll buckle down and make some beats, surelyā€¦


make sure to get enough wood for two more casesā€¦ trust me.


By the way, if you are looking for good module names, I came across this paper this morning at work.
Sounds like Kosmotropic and Chaotropic could be amazing ! :metal:
Kosmotropic and chaotropic behavior of hydrated ions in aqueous solutions in terms of expansibility and compressibility parameters - ScienceDirect.


Kosmotropic and Chaotropic: Bubbly multi-band filter and bubbly astable multi-vibrator.

-Fumu / Esopus


will have a demo in the next day

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I hate to be a bother, but any updates on the springy? Would love to order an LMNC one but might JLPCB the polykit panel-mount one if itā€™s not coming any time soonā€¦


Iā€™m on a similar ledge, thereā€™s a Music Thing schematic over there going ā€œme me me me me!ā€

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3 weeks haha so up to you! im sorry I had like 3 protos with dumb mistakes and the front panel looked naff so I re did it. its finally coming, I got ahead on a couple of others its holding up affairs thats for sure :)ill post the schematic in a week or so for peeps not doing the circuit board one! it drives it a bit different to others I have seen which ii think hopefully means itā€™ll drive bigger. but who knows.


Okay, thank you for the reply! I know you must be supremely busy with all of your projects gaining so much traction, I appreciate you taking the time to reply. If you say itā€™s coming, I can sit on my hands a bit longer.

My reason for going modular/kosmo was that my DAW always starts to die when Iā€™ve got to many tracks and effects, so moving to hardware means I can record straight to waveforms, which I can handle way more tracks of in Ableton. The only thing left is reverb, which is unfortunately the most CPU-intensive, so my computer has still been crawling in my recent tracks even though the sounds are all coming from my Kosmo.

By the way, if you donā€™t mind me asking, do you have ADHD? Iā€™ve got it myself and always have a million projects going at once, I just canā€™t seem to finish nearly as many as you do, Iā€™m wondering what your secret isā€¦


what are the other 2 on the horizons then?

Reverb is getting snapped up straight away when it is ready!

Weaponized ADHD! Not trying to diagnose anyone online, but Iā€™ve wondered the same. I have ADHD too.
I linked that church organ video to my friend, ā€œlook, that guy bought a church organā€, and the response was ā€œyou would too if you had a chanceā€. Well, yes I would.
Iā€™ve solved the problem of starting many projects and finishing only few of them by starting so many, that the amount of finished ones is still good in absolute amount.


Iā€™m also heavily ADHD (if it doesnā€™t already come across in my postings here LOL) and I find it helpful to just ā€˜brain dumpā€™ all my project ideas onto a bit of paper. Then I sort them by whether I can finish them in the next week, month, or year and try and put the ā€˜weekā€™ list at the top of my priority list that day. I guess it could be called organised ADHD induced procrastination!

Also donā€™t be scared to kill your darlings and be realistic about finishing projects. I have admittedly deleted many KiCad projects of module ideas that amount to no more than brain clutter.


Getting stuff out of my head in some way is a great thing for me. If I think Iā€™ve ā€œdone itā€ some how I can focus better on actually doing something else.

I also tend to hyperfocus on things so it gives me a clock to do it or not in.
Once that clock is run it goes back on the pile and waits for it to become the flavour of the week again.

Deadlines also really help.