Mail Day Thread

A new case coming :slight_smile:


Uh oh



For the case and the panels it is too cold to tinker in the garage, for the moment I am taking the opportunity to play with my Kosmo warm :grinning:, but in anticipation, some stripboards layout, modules list idea, 
 and some orders in perspective, I only have the wallwart and soon the power pcb, it’s a good start but 
 not soon :laughing:


A friend made me some cases for some of the circuits I have been workin on! (ciat-lonbarde based stuff)


yes I am a hoarder . that little or big thing I find in the bin or is part of a tare out at work , I can not pass up . it will be part of some project I dream up and will do someday . cheap parts are nice to have on hand and not have to wait a week + shipping . I know my stash will not go to waste it will be passed on , just like a lot of the stuff I have .


those are beautiful nice and organic like the ciat-lonarde circuits .


Not a hoarder but I have very limited opportunity to build so components do pile up. Why? Because I have had a regular habit of requesting samples from companies, something I started doing in the 70’s when I started making. I always respond to say thanks and add a description or picture or two. This starts a dialogue and has led to me being on several company marketing lists for new products. Even now I still get 2 or 3 packets arriving each week.
Upside, free kit.
Downside, ok I have two boxes full of 4000 series logic chips* and a bag labeled ‘identify’ full of wee boards, some power, some breakout, some audio bits.

In 2020 I received 11 Arduino/esp32 mcu’s as free samples.

*Vague plans to add a lunetta type modular to my guitar synth rack. Any other suggestions?


Filling out my parts hoard a bit. I am thinking I need to upgrade my resistor storage again

Also got an actual keyboard because one octave on the BeatStep is not enough even for someone like me who doesn’t actually know piano. I also got the world’s cutest reverb tank.



I currently have 5 spare drawers, and that’s with ~10 bags of esoteric capacitor values to go.
I might try 3D printing something like this:

(side note: I love the file naming - BoxMiddleMiddleDblWideDblTallDblDeepDrwrDivRev2.stl)


Those shallow drawers are pretty nice
 I might have to give those a try. I’m mostly using craft store storage boxes.


It was only two weeks ago I said I wouldn’t build any more synths, but like all good new years resolution it went out the window and I decided I needed to try and get in on the XVA1 game:

Shout out to @MacMannes for sharing his interface plans, it’s inspiring.



Picked up a used model D to compare to my diy synth I’m working on. Gotta say I’m not super impressed by the raw outputs on the behringer!


You had it DC coupled right?

Gray Meanie:

For some reason the triangle and sine are ±5 V but the ramp and pulse are 0–10 V.


When I look at the “mixout” aka pre filter the waves are much cleaner. The ladder filter must be the culprit for the final output
which is weird because the kassu ladder doesn’t do that? It has the same severe volume dropoff as the pro-1 with resonance. People on the peanut galleries will say it’s just the bottom end but from what I see the total output volume gets halved with resonance

On the model D the tri, ramp, and tramp are +/-5 but the squares are -10-0

Supposedly the model D is the original oscillator design? Seems doubtful


When i had a model D it sounded good to me, but then again i wasnt listening to it by looking at an oscilloscope.


It does sound good and it’s fun as hell. I’m trying to build my own is all and just posting for the sake conversation/comparing. I’m gonna take it apart soon enough :smile:

For real I have loads of behringer gear I’m not hating, although I guess my OP could come off that way

The “model CT” is going to end up costing a lot more than than a behringer so it needs to be at least as good lollll


Lol it was just a joke about how we tend to obsess about audio quality when we are really just looking at the scope cause we dont trust our ears.

Not saying thats not useful data btw, its critical when we are being nerds about it.


I got the QuadVCA for xmas n bought some bits for it on thonk, also got a couple bits for Otem Relliks Drum Module and picked up a Tshirt n sticker combo =)

Quad VCA with some bits lined up for the the PCB

100k Pots, Switches Momentary Tactile, SPDT and DPDT, 1/4 Jacks, Brass insert converters and Knobs, Thonkiconn Stereo Jack, 16-10 Power Cables, ICs LM13700 TL074 TL072 AS3360

Sick ass Tshirt!! wish i got the one that was green, but hey
 what ya gonna do. Still a good Tshirt =D

Now to find the time to get some soldering done =D
Hope i dont suddenly smell some chicken ;D


2 pcb from Frequency Central

The :heartbeat: of a future case !

