Mail Day Thread

Heh… I guess it could mean that!

Yep, it’s a cine film… moving picture. I’m using it as a still film for an unusual little 16mm camera. Plus, am using it for 110 cameras… just got to finish designing / printing a new film cartridge so I can load my own film into it.

Am really into my photography at the moment, lots of stuff to make and hack.


I used to project 16mm Films as part of my Job on some old Bell and Howell 652’s … Including the 1956 Great “Speed The Plough” and another one “Life in a Medieval Village”


I had to look all of that up, except the 16mm film part. When I was just about to leave school there was this ‘computerised’ survey that was meant to tell you what your ideal job was. Mine turned out to be cinema projectionist. :slight_smile:

Random odds and ends from Tayda. And of course, the obligatory giant bag of jack sockets that I seem to need every time.


The rare and elusive 9 mm dual gang


oh my. lol.
:smiley: nice …

Today I got this! A 1980s Yamaha PSR-12.

£2 from the local charity shop owner( he puts aside synthy stuff for me :grinning:) I thought it would be good to have another instrument to play on top of Kosmo. Looking online the sounds seem to come from an FM synth chip, and there’s a few quite invasive circuit bends that I probably won’t attempt ( 50/50 past success rate :grimacing:).
Some of the bell sounds are a bit cheesy, but it has some good drum patterns and will probably come in quite handy.

Edit: I also found a service manual for the PSR-11 that seems to have the same functions. It has a most excellent exploded diagram that I might just have to print out and stick on the wall.

Edit edit: YAMAHA PSR11 Service Manual download, schematics, eeprom, repair info for electronics experts


I’m looking for 4 of the dual gang A100k pots. I can’t seem to find them anywhere in stock. If you come across them please let me know! Has to be the 9mm style that you just bought.

I received a huge JLCPCB order today. Made some mistakes so I will need to correct those and get a couple of panels re-made. I also realized that the specs that Intellijel gives for 1U panels is not correct. OR…the guy who cut my side plates didn’t measure correctly. Regardless, the panel is off by 2mm, which is enough that the bottom screws cannot be inserted. Super frustrating!

I will have some extra Eurorack PCBs and panels for a few things that I will offer up for sale shortly. All of the panels I designed except for the Jove.

I’ve also been working on taking @CTorp K25 modules and creating Eurorack 1U versions of some of them. The Sub-Osc and Gate to Trigger were the first ones that I made. (Thanks @CTorp and @d42kn355 for all of the help!!!)

Back to work…


There are two different 1U “standards”, Intellijel’s and Pulp Logic’s.

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Ahhhh Pusherman! Totally forgot to check his site! Thank you!

Got my hands on one of them fancy component storage boxes for cheap (£22) on Amazon. And a pair of flush cutters for £6!
Super steal!


I’ve been working on a wave multiplier and got the PCBs I designed in today. Let’s hope all 4 layers line up.


imma want one of them there O_C’s :stuck_out_tongue:
maybe have you build and calibrate it cuz im lazy as shit. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, I know.
When I paid a guy on Etsy for a pair of side plates and told him I wanted a 1U row he asked if I wanted Intellijel or Pulp Logic format. I told him Intellijel format. I followed Intellijels 1U specs on their site to the letter when designing these panels. However, the panels that I have are 2mm too large, which is just enough that you cannot attach the bottom panel screws to the rails. So either Intellijels specs on their site are wrong or the guy on Etsy cut the side plates to the wrong spec. (pretty sure that’s what he did) I thought maybe he cut it to the Pulp Logic specs by accident but when I went and reviewed their specs and compared the panels are even further off. I’m not happy about it but it is what it is and so I’ll need to redo them. :frowning:

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I can send ya a set of 1U plates in Intellijel format if you would like them for accurate rail alignment :slight_smile:
I used them just to add rails to my older euro case and don’t really have a use for em anymore!

I just used their (Intellijel) spec for my panels and they turned out correct, so Duluth (if that’s who you used) cut them wrong :frowning:

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Ugh…bastardo! Yes, he did then cut them wrong! That’s super frustrating, especially because I was going to purchase a 1U Intellijel Steppy for this case. The total panel height for the ones I made are 39.65mm high with the holes being about 33.65mm apart from center. The rail holes from center to center in my case are about 31.5mm. That 2mm makes a big difference in this case. I may contact him and ask him to redo them. It’s so much work to take everything apart at this point too so it’s a bit infuriating.


While I am frustrated about these 1U panels, I am so excited to receive this PCB set today from Moscow.


I just bought one last week, lovely machine. Does some crazy sequences