KOSMO Setup pics

Finally getting things set up the way I had imagined for this space.


Wow, that’s a gorgeous setup. Can you share any tunes made with it?


much better than a plain nice, it fantastic setup . want to do this so bad

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yes well done well made modules and perfect etup spacing, go to the head of the class

The 1st picture suggests that the device was made by Panasonic :slight_smile:

3rd case/row finished.


Nice setup! What is that device (with the analog meter) to the left of the mixer? A tuner of sorts?

Yes, this is my old guitar tuner. I took it out of the box so i could mount it onto the panel.

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I think my system has reached the point it gets to be shown in is thread


I just have Kosmo ADSRs, but here they are.


“Kosmo Setup Pics With Chaotic Auras”

-Fumu / Esopus

Planning on building a keyboard stand for my keystep pro/drumbrute/beatstep pro (not pictured) on the bottom… But this is it so far! If anyone has a spare midi muso module, I would be greatly in your debt. I never see it in stock lol


Nice set up, what’s Ur plan with the lil drum section?

So far I have my Drumbrute Impact in place while I wait for Sam to release the sampler modules… But I may integrate it into my bottom keyboard case anyways, we’ll see.

The entire bottom row is dedicated for future drum modules/mixing. The 4 vcas are there as a mixer for the synth voices, as well as giving me the option of quickly set up a sidechain duck.

I plan on adding a 3rd voice where you see the empty ms20 filter (probably one vco?), and from there I should be “finished”. Only thing I could see myself doing is adding a single row case above, but it’s already pretty tall lol

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I built a dual envelope generator I designed and re-arranged my rack. I’ll replace the distortion and reverb modules in the lower row with something, probably at least with one filter. But this is playable three voice thing now. Actually one module has midi in and can play chords.
I have a plan to make a simple live set capable thing with this, Waldorf Streichfett (for chords and pads parallel to the polyphonic module), Korg Electribe ES-1 (for drums and crazy feedback) and Korg SQ-64 as a sequencer. I’m still unsure do I even need to have a separate keyboard-synth, there’s more than enought to do while messing with this, playing the sequencer and making horrible noises with feedback-loop in the ES-1.


Bottom case just finished drying over the week


Power rail inside the case, as well as on the side of the case (ignore the square hole, waiting for power socket in the mail)


Here’s a question for all you folks with the ceiling-high towers of racks. How do you prevent them from toppeling over when pushing a plug into the top one? Do you fix them together, or have you put all your faith in friction?


With amps etc. Im a big fan of velcro and ratchet straps. Gate hooks are also good in the house to stop a tower collapse. I myself use double slot shelving and picture hanging wire.

Oh, and use a good solid base. Carpet and skirting boards are your doom!


Either bolt them together, to the wall, or use butterfly clamps to lock multiple cases together. I rely on friction and gravity.