Kosmo module upcoming list

Anyone else checking 5 times a day to see when the next module is coming out?


It’s been less than two weeks since the last one, I’d cut that back to 2 or 3 times a day.


I know…I feel like a squirrel.


My “1161 DUAL BUFFERED MULTIPLE” is almost done, but have no 10M resistors. they should be here on saturday.

My Trippel delay has been delayed waiting for Alpha pots, until i discovered I had put asside a set in a BOM box already… then found I had no ON-ON DPDT…


I’m patiently waiting and trying really hard not to order the multiple until the next module comes out so I can at least combine shipping. Since I really, really don’t need more multiples at this point. Still, gotta catch them all!


Pretty sure you can go a lot lower before it starts having any impact on anything (and if you don’t plan to use the multiple with the outputs plugged in but no input, you probably won’t need it at all).

But waiting is fine too :slight_smile:


No Bipolar LEDS either…

Plenty of other things I can also avoid doing so its not top of the list of things to finish

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desperately waiting for the midi to cv :smiley:


Yeah I think midi to cv will be next from what I’ve read on here

I reckon one of those and two mults will be next for me, consodering a 3rd osc too


I’ll definitely do a third oscillator once the oscillator driver is ready.


hahaha I can confirm wait is about 8 more days! I recon. its the midi to cv. have to ship with a couple of chips as I have been told a couple need to be Texas instrument specific. so waiting for a bunch to turn up to ship it all with. other good news it the wait after that won’t be long until the next ones, got a couple of weird ones up next


Yessss! Bring on the weird!


weird is what im here for, but cant access it without the utility, so its all good


I like Weird, Weird I Like!


Sooo… Big mumma next, or vcdo?

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the next is a bouncing ball generator. like an envelope generator but makes a bouncing ball sort of cv. that will be up by the end of November! as for the Big mumma delay. its looking good. I have sorted the concept and design and what not. ironed out all of the funky bits within a single delay cell, now im just figuring out the actual module design, ill have a prototype to show off by end of the month! really trying to have it ready to arrive to people before Christmas, but that may be optimistic, however we shall see!!!

currently trying to squeeze as many delays as I can into it, but trying to weigh up sheer quantity with control. its going to be either 10 delays compromised, or 6 delays and its pretty darn good. im edging towards the 6 delays, its very different to the triple splash back for instance. this is more of a hands on thing, the triple splash back is more of an effects pedal style whack it on for good times, this is proper weird.


Amazing. Thanks for answering the knock at the door.


Yeah, before x-mass would be nice cuz jan 1st who nows what B-xit will do to shippingcosts ands taxes an inportduties and…


indeed! but its an awfully big module to piece together, im working as quick as I can on it… right now im at the point where I will have a fully working circuit prototype in about a week. then ill need to piece it together, im hoping if I work hard ill have it up and out in a month but thats being really optimistic haha. lets see!!! its definitely the biggest thing I have had to piece together into a functioning circuit board…


Time for some quick wins Sam like your patchbay router, light bulb compressor , oscilloscope disguise kit etc. All the best.