hello! Yeah. trying my hardest to keep reasonably to schedule!!! its a tall order. the supply issues haven’t helped but its all looking like im keeping to this schedule. delay will be any time in the next week! the jury is out which one is next, it depends which I get functioning best first, mega drone module or midi-cv. got another one on the bench that is a vca matrix, however I dont think that will be massive use to people but ill stock it nethertheless. its for the 1000 oscillator mega drone, a 10 input 4 output VCA matrix. so 40 VCA’s in total, which sent me off on a bit of a tangent designing MACRO modules. basically a silly amount of the same thing on 40cm wide modules. an updated version of the 8 step keyboard sequencer is nearly done too, it has the ability to be expanded infinitely, so for instance if you have two of them you can get anything up to 16 steps. if you had 100 of them you could have 800 steps haha. and a few other goodies.