Hi! Remember me? been a deep dark cave, its actually bright, but ehh who lives in a bright cave? me I guess? wow off track already… ok where was I, oh yeah, sequencers… anyways, I’ve got a thing for them… so, been developing a couple, first one is a piggy back to a Volca beats, I couldn’t find the actual trigger outputs, and in hindsight i could have just adapted the audio to trigger, but fug it… this works… anyways, the concept is simple, take the LED outputs found under the adjustment pots, and use them to trigger 555 monostable oscillators for gate / trigger outputs. and unless you really like machine soldered smt components(im calling them vile beasts from here on out), id dig a little more to see if there’s better outputs to use… but nonetheless i didn’t and here’s what I came up with.
basically if you’re willing to work with such a vile beast, there’s all sorts of LEDs to tap to. there’s a current limiting resistor on the optocoupler so all the LEDs light still on the beats. it works, I have fun with it… here’s some finished pictures.
Weeeee! so that’s that one… Here’s the next weirdo… this one was a bit of a project… its a triple shift register with divide down clocks… its set to be a module, not a standalone, it will be controlling everything from synths to drums, its kind of a beast if you ask me. it has been affectionately named the Swonkswencer
so how it works, it starts with its own clock, which feeds directly to the first shift register, which for explanation sake, is like a regular sequencer, it has cv for clock speed, as well as clock in. that same clock signal then hits a /2/4/6/8 x 2 divider which is then selected as well as a “pause” which interups clock to the 2nd two shift registers. selection is handled by a 4017 sequencer, so i have cv control on those so speeds can be selected on the fly with trigger inputs.
Description got ya goin cross-eyed yet? but wait there’s more! The 2nd and 3rd sequencers add or subtract resistance to the pots to effectively lower or raise the particular cv output of that step. the outputs then have their own individual outs, which then sum every other step until they all converge on one output…
thats it! I’ve got a couple more gizmodoohickie-thing-a-mabobbers close, as well as a videos hopefully sooner than later… so ok by!