Sequencing a Motor with a CD4040

considering revisiting this again and putting it in a case. I’d probably replace the phone tap with the Elektrosluch stereo setup. I’m a bit intimidated by the process of building cases, I have limited tools for it.

Another thought I had was to have it be part of a bigger sort of industrial noise box, but I’m just sitting around daydreaming. Hoping posting it will kick my butt into working on it😅


Very interested in how you get on. I love mechanical music making.
Almost got fired from a Saturday supermarket job as a kid for arranging bottled goods in a musical order to play Scotland the brave.


I’ve always had an interest in making strange sounds however I could, was very into bending things when I was 13 but never really got good at it. Recently because of covid, I’m unemployed and I decided to give making/bending things another try. I had a lil animatronic toy sitting around from a while ago, figured I’d take it apart and either bend it or repurpose its parts. Got the 4040 sequencer idea from a casper electronics tutorial, and then applied it to a variable speed schematic for a dc motor that was used to move the toys arms.


Um this sounds fucking AWESOME to me.

How is the octave tracking? Can you share the schematic? What motor are you using? How loud is it without the contact microphone? So cool.

In one of the Look Mum No Computer videos, he does something similar with a motor on a string to make a reverb, but this sounds even better.


unfortunately, I didn’t write down the schematic and cleared my board to test out a couple of other ideas. The octave tracking is not very good on the motor, I’m not sure what the motor model is, it’s unmarked and I ripped it out of a doll I got from a thrift store. The mic I’m holding up to it is a coil pickup, so It’s picking up the electromagnetic waves or however that works :sweat_smile: without the pickup it’s not loud at all.

the sequencing section of it is a variation of this:

and for the motor section, I just googled “variable motor speed schematic” and tried out a couple of different ones. Once I found one I liked, I connected the oscillator output of the sequencer into where the pot for motor speed (probably the wrong way I have no clue what I’m really doing)

weird unexpected result is the motor actually amplifies the oscillator as well, which depending on where I place the coil pickup you get a mix of the motor and the amplified signal.


Ahhhhh, that’s interesting. I love this so much, I might just try getting a DC motor and a pickup, then manually tuning it and storing the values in Arduino as a kind of internal, module-specific slew/quantizer.

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Also, what’s in your Destroyer module on your YT? That thing is huge too.

I’ve made some circuit sniffing test too :grinning:


Send that story to Blue Peter. You’ll get a badge, and Nicola Sturgeon will insist on presenting it. Okay forget it. Politicians, always invading our dreams.


It had octave tracking? Bravo!

And yeah, I do appreciate that exponential functions don’t sit well with systems that would really rather just keep on not moving, or at least moving something close to the way they were but perhaps just a little bit slower, and why are you kids in such a hurry anyway?


haha hell yeah, I love the name. It’s a pretty fun process, I’ve noticed motors, like on fans and whatnot, give off what sounds like a power chord on a guitar.

this is the stereo design I’d wanna use if I built this concept out into a box.

here’s the schematic Weekend Project: Listen to Weird Sounds from Electromagnetic Fields | Make:


There’s also the Electrophone:


speaking about fan ?

ok after this one i stop :grinning:


that is half of this First Lil Synth before I had put it into a box. Its 3 or 4 oscillators from a cd40106 (final version had 3 but I fooled around with 4 on the breadboard) running into a lm324n. And then all the crazy chirping and space is coming from a pt2399 (the example schematic in the datasheet) but I basically circuit bent it and tried connecting various points till i got that.

haha I clearly need to work on being more organized :sweat_smile:


Fans sound dope. Have you seen this?


yes !!! :+1: :+1: :+1: (more carracters…)

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hell yeah, I was just looking at this while digging around

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What do you call that genre of music?

Slight mudslide.

Speak up! I can’t hear you!

Tectonic plates collide.

What? Don’t mumble, I can barely hear you!

Distant solar system flares up, small rocky planet develops intelligent automata, which briefly but predictably obliterate themselves.

Please! I’m all for self expression, but that’s just silly.

Galaxies collide, aeons pass.

Oh I’ve heard this one. “The Aristocrats”, right?