Fuzz-1 (passive module)

Something that interests me and to avoid developing the subject on the other side I opened this one.
A topic started by @BlackDeath here, a passive fuzz module by Skull and Circuits.


Sorry @BlackDeath but I found your stripboard a little too extensive for my taste (there are no small savings :slight_smile: )
I try to made one more small (untested, i hope thereā€™s no mistake)


Are the two gold circles mounting holes?

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Yes itā€™s mad for a small circuit like this one, i donā€™t know why i do that surely a reflex :upside_down_face:


The 1 ĀµF cap on the lower left (connecting input to Q1 base) is seeing an AC voltage ā€” the input ā€” so out of an abundance of caution Iā€™d go with an MCC or nonpolarized electrolytic for that one. The other two should be fine.

Ah okay, well done. I was also thinking about adding a switch.

I actually prefer ā€œbigā€, widely space stripboard layouts, I find that all of the places where somebody is trying to make small savings are where I fuck up and make a mess, and that vertically-mounted resistors sometimes break during construction as Iā€™m flipping the board on itā€™s back, and I donā€™t like making too many trace cuts. The flip size is needing more jumpers.

I started stripboarding the Skull and Circuits envelope follower last night too, was gonna throw up an ā€˜unverified stripboardsā€™ thread.


@BlackDeath , for the switch I put it on the stripboard but the guy in the description says that it doesnā€™t belong much to the circuit.
@analogoutput , for the cap 1uf, I just copied the original schematic. All are polarized. To try.

Ohh, I see what youā€™ve done, I was going to add a switch not to power the LED (I was gonna just leave the LED on all the time), but as a ā€œbypass switchā€, since to use this musically Iā€™d want to switch it on and off at different parts.

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yes a bypass will be surely better, a DPDT swith for that


I like this thing. Construction quality isnā€™t what Iā€™d like it to be but itā€™s held up for two years now and the price is low. Among its benefits, vertical resistors arenā€™t a problem.

Looks like only one on @Dudā€™s layout, aside from the ones for the ā€œmadā€ mounting holes.

I know, I know. But Iā€™d choose a non polarized cap for that one.

Would that go like this?


is that you have already built or tested this circuit ?

yes for the bypass switch ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Havenā€™t built it, no. Well, built a simulation.


update with NP cap and DPDT switch, and only one mounting hole :slight_smile:


Alright, now get building and let us know if it works! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™m not there yet, it will be for case 5
it starts to be filled (on paper) :grin:


Youā€™re making your cases too small. Make one tomorrow thatā€™ll hold 200 modules and then we wonā€™t have to wait.


but to move it ā€¦ I already thought about it but you have to build the maxi case and then the house around, and after you can never changing to another house till your death :grin:

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Buy a moving lorry. Fill with synth modules. Park next to new lorry. Etc.



Sounds good to me! Moving sucks.


Yes itā€™ was for the joke but i donā€™t want leave my house too, even if i 'not have a unmovable maxi case inside :slightly_smiling_face:

I put Dudā€™s layout together this morning. The only 1uf caps I had on hand were polarized tantalums, and I only had 100kB pots.

Everything works. I shot a little demo video with a simple Plaits sequence in chord mode.

The output was pretty quiet, so I have the output patched through the amplifier circuit I use for bringing guitars up to synth level. Because of that the bypass switch isnā€™t very useful in this patch; The wet signal comes out 5x too high