As I am missing the LM358s, CD4013, B1M pots, and some caps, only the LFO is finished and working right now.
The others have been powered up too and the voltages at the IC sockets are all right, promising
The Attenuverter and Attenuator will have to wait until the Mouser order with the faders comes in.
It will be used on the workbench. One day I’ll build a real case (procrastinating again )
Still missing a batten between the two “legs”, to strengthten it and support the PSU and busboard.
This will need another trip to the store…
The modules already mounted are confirmed working.
a simple voltage generator to test the other modules (top button from 0V to +8V, middle button from -8V to +8V, pushbutton 0-5V)
MikroKosmos “CS” (“Control Surface”, designed to be mounted in an horizontal case)
k25 LFO
k25 Attenuverter
k25 Attenuator (used to reduce the signal to what the cheap bluetooth speaker’s line-in can handle)
The others :
#1222 VCO: works, but isn’t calibrated yet, and the display isn’t mounted as I’m still trying to get it flush with the panel (which is slightly warped, anyone had that problem ?) (The octave switch is not mounted right now because of the display, but works).
#1181 VCA: not tested.
#1161 Multiple: a fast test seems to indicate it works, needs confirmation.
#1114 Grrrr: not tested.
#1157 ADSR: a fast test seems to indicate it works, needs confirmation.
#1145 VCLFO: a fast test seems to indicate it works, needs confirmation.
#1113 Filter : out of jacks…
2x Seq Switch: missing push buttons of the right size, one has tact-switches to test it, seems to work.
k25 A/R EG: missing the pots.
k25 Dual G2T: a fast test seems to indicate it works, needs confirmation.
k25 Sub-Osc: a fast test seems to indicate it works, needs confirmation.
k25 Glide: not tested.
Dual Quantizer: Out of 1N5817 (and botched the arduino socket )
4x MikroKosmos: missing the pots.
Not shown:
a second k25 A/R EG (missing the pots).
a second #1222 VCO, not started yet.
a KosmicTaxidermist not started yet (the special ICs are somewhere between China and France, I hope they are genuine ones…)
Soon a first case… well, when weather permits to work outdoors… doesn’t look like it this week…
This is just a frame for the workbench to avoid having powered modules lying among cut-off resistors leads
looking good! "to avoid having powered modules lying among cut-off resistors " sounds like a statement from experience haha. oh the joys! the worst is how they always seem to randomly end up in enclosures and almost always want to short something important! ha.
So I was able to get the wood to finish this (it’s a little piece of wood, but what a pain to get during these times…).
While I left a slot on the right to pass the power cable to the tested module, I finally made something else…
I hacked one of @analogoutput’s busboards, which are the size of a Kosmo module !
Three power connectors on the front of the frame, to power the module(s) under test, with a switch to shut them down in case some magic smoke is seen or smelled…