Eagle no more. Long live Eagle

Sad news for Eagle users.

Sadly, the least surprising move possible coming from Autodesk. Buying out the competition to neuter it has always been in their DNA. So is taking user data hostage and demanding a ransom. Everyone recommends the “free” “renewable” “hobbyist” fusion 360 license for 3d printing, but I know I’m never touching that - remember how last year they removed a feature to make it pay-per-use?


I just know I once downloaded Fusion 360 because it was (or so I understood at the time at least) the only way to get EAGLE and I had a bunch of files in old EAGLE format that KiCad couldn’t import, and I wanted to convert them to the new EAGLE format which KiCad could handle.

Fusion 360 was, with no hyperbole whatsoever, the most bloated, slowest-responding pig of a piece of software I have ever encountered. Granted I was running it on a fairly elderly Mac. But I’m comparing it to other software running on that same Mac.

All I was doing was opening each file and writing it out again. It took forever. When I was done I deleted Fusion 360 and swore never to use it again.