DFAM clone / LMND

Hi all,
I will be adding here the build progress and documents, diagrams that I have found/used/made for this project. (In case anyone wants to do somehting similar)

The first thing that got me into wanted to do it was this video from Omri Cohen. It is great way of getting the what and how of a synth.

NB : I realised later that in this VCV patch he missed the fact that every envelopes are modulated in amplitude by the velocity knobs.

For the build I used an old NMR tube container.
The build is really packed, I guess using smaller potentiometers would have been easier.

I have decided to go with the following build strategy :
2- VCO X2
3 - Noise, Mixer and attenuverters
4- Envelopes X3
5- VCF and distortion
6- VCA X4

It will have no external CV inputs. I will only put a Ext SYNC input and a GATE out for syncing with my others gears.

Regarding the build, Module 1 is up and running.

Sequencer-Gates and Pitch testing

Here is a “schematic” I made for myself. I am using perma-proto type boards so designing a full layout makes not much sense for me.

I have set the pitch to 0-2.5V and the velocity to 0-10V. But after reading some docs regarding the VCAs 3360 it might not have been the best.

I have started building the VCO module. I’ll upload the docs once I am happy with it.


This is shaping up really nicely!
VCV is a great tool for planning patches and builds.
Great schematic too.
A DFAM clone has been added to my list after you make it look so achievable.


Very impressive! Keeping an eye on this. Love the box too.


KOSMOFAM? Not DFAK (Drummer From Another Kosmos)?


LMND (Look Mum No Drummer) more like!


OMG !!! That’s just perfect !


I saw some videos on this thing in all the superbooth coverage - it looks DFAMish. I’ll probably pick one up as it’s available as a DIY kit:




Quick update, mostly to explain why i had issues with the sequencer (@analogoutput). As I am not using the buttons i have got nothing plugged in on the A1 to A7 inputs. By commenting all the entries for the buttons function in the script i got the sequencer to work perfectly fine. No more glitchy behaviour.
I also started the double VCO circuit but not finished it… which was a big mistake as it will now take me few hours to go back to what i had in mind…


The 2 VCOs are working and are nicely centered +/-5V , happy days :grinning:
(using Kassutronics schematic only for the output)
Next board is mixer, noise generator, some buffers and some attenuverters.

(Edit: 5 months later :face_with_peeking_eye:… decent progress… i might finish this sometimes in the next 2 years…)


It took my exactly 1 year, but I have done it !
The LMND , Look Mum No Drummer is working.
Ill make a longer video (but mostly one with a decnt quality audio soon).
All the features works. Only issue, it so packed inside, i dont think i can open the bow ever again.


I have made a quick demo video for it.