Cheap Component Search

Hi, I’m in France.

The fastest I’ve seen is RS.
They have some entrepôts in France I think and most other stuff comes from the UK. Stuff usually shows up within a couple of days.

Most Mouser stuff takes a little while longer as to the best of my knowledge the parts are dispatched from TX in the US, although as long as there are no glitches then deliveries take about a week.

I’ve found Conrad kind of slow for something that European, but generally stuff arrives within a week.


RS is quite expensive though. I second the Tayda DHL shipping too - it’s fast and reliable.


I don’t disagree - but when you must absolutely have a part tomorrow usually you’re willing to pay a premium.


Thanks Frederik, you’re right, when I order from Tayda I always use mail shipping to avoid tax.
I will try with Tayda and DHL. Thanks guys

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I’m in France too and i will never do that again (35 € of tax :upside_down_face:)

little expensive but very speed, there’s also Go Tronic in France

2 Likes is a very good source also, from Poland shipped same day often receive the next day. A lot of cool and inexpensive components (like alpha-like pots :slight_smile:


Sounds great! Do you have a link for the pots?

I used those with good success :

0.25 € each

And here a list of the values for solder lugs, knurled shaft :


I’m following the 1222 VCO project, but I can’t find LM4040AIZ-4.1 where I live. Importing it is expensive and I’m trying to avoid being taxed. Apologies for my absolute lack of electronical experience, but since Sam said in the video the LM4040 is a precision version of the 7805, could I get away with using an extra 7805 in its place? Would the reference trimpot deal with the extra output?

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You couldn’t just drop it in, the two connect differently. Additionally the 7805 is a voltage regulator while the LM4040 is a voltage reference — the former will supply current, the latter is more stable. A suitably connected 7805 should work to some degree but would not give you as much pitch stability.

Because of the trim pot you don’t actually need high precision — the LM4040CIZ for instance would be fine — and you can use a higher voltage reference, like 5 V or more. Any of the LM4040 variants could drop in; a different voltage reference (or a 7805) would likely need to be connected differently, maybe mounted on a little piece of stripboard.

If you can get a lower precision LM4040-4.1 or a higher voltage reference I’d recommend that. There are or have been several Brazilians here @Shiro_pb @ElectricalMusineer @RaphaelLari who maybe can advise on getting parts.


Surely you can create the 4v reference by trimming from the 5v rail, however it will not be as stable (both temperature and supply voltage-wise). Also, you cannot do this by putting a 7805 in the same spot, they are not drop-in replacements. The LM4040 being a precision 7805 might be somewhat true function-wise, it is not true internal-working-wise.

You’d have to leave off R42, and bridge pin 2 of the LM4040 footprint to 5v.

Also, everything AO said :wink:

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Thanks for the replies, guys.

How do I do that?

I found a cheaper LM4040AIZ-4.1 at AliExpress. Most cheaper ones are 3mm SMD, which is a no-no. Maybe I’ll be able to avoid taxes, since my recent purchases have been on eBay, so they can’t say I’m spreading out my order to cheat on customs, or so I hope.

Carefully study the schematic and the pcb layout, find the two corresponding points, bridge them with a piece of wire.

Maybe you can get away with a 4.1V zener diode. The tolerance might not be the 0.1% of the LM4040A, but it should be stable.


Oh, I get it now. I lost the meaning in translation when I read it the first time. Thanks.

another way to get a very stable voltage reference with a zener diode (though it will require more components, albeit those are easily sourced) is by buffering one that is stabilized by a capacitor!

|__________ Buffer ___ stable output
|. . . . . . . . |
zener . . .cap

Depending on your opamp configuration, you can even fine tune the buffered output’s voltage, so you can have arbitrary and stable reference voltages!
I used this to make a <1% power supply, so it’s not perfect, but pretty good

(the dots are just for formatting this crude schematic lol)

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I just ordered the last 11 jacks from Tayda. Apparently they’re out of stock for another 5 months. Are there any other places that sell them Tayda cheap (sub 50p) or will I have to splash out on the ‘expensive’ ones?

(can you tell I’m a cheapskate :smiley: )

I briefly looked on AliExpress but I only found pages and pages of 3.5mm jacks. If anyone has any links that would be much appreciated :slight_smile:


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You BASTARD :laughing:

Which jacks do you mean? A-1121 is in stock at Tayda, 10,506 of them.


Well that’s odd. It said that there was 11 in stock and wouldn’t let me add any more to the basket. Oh well.

Time to order 10,505 jacks then :laughing: