AI006 Stomp Adapter Schematic Help

The circuit first attenuates the synth signal going in to guitar level, sends to pedal, returns from effects pedal, and then gets amplified back to synth level.

If you plugged your synth straight into guitar pedal it might do bad things, although the 3 old pedals I have seem to tolerate a raw signal from my Kosmo just fine :man_shrugging:


Alright so you tell me I can do this ? And it would work ? I’d like to keep the “from synth” and “to Fx” in case I decide to use only a stomp box pedal :slight_smile:

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You can try it! I’m assuming you are ultimately trying to hook up the guitar to your triple splashback?

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Yes that’s exactly what I’m trying to do ! :slight_smile: but will it work ? Because it really needs to work. Its for school

If your guitar amp has an output jack I would just send my guitar thru the amp first and into the splashback, making sure to start at low gain and turning up slowly

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You could also just build a simpler amplifier circuit if you just wanted to boost up your guitar to synth level

Check out the lmnc offset-boost-attenuverter, specifically the “boost” part of the circuit

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It has speaker outputs (It’s a Blackstar HT5). That’s what your talking about ? And I really don’t want to mess up my amp. Is there a risk ?

But then I won’t be able to plug pedals ?

I would try this FX send in +4 mode before you bother with anything else


guitar—>pedal—>boost—>splashback(or any synth module)—>output

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You mean red or green ?

Ok cool, I’ll look into the lmnc offset-boost-attenuverter :slight_smile:

I think it would be easier, the stomp adapter would work (if the design actually works for you) but it does two jobs when you really only need the boost/amp part of the circuit; You just need guitar to synth

The stomp adapter is for synth-guitar-synth

That fx send on your amp I bet would work tho! You would put the splashback between the send and return on the amp

That would be a really good alternative if I’m tight on schedule :slight_smile: But eventually (like in a month) I’ll have to build the complete basic modules of a synthesizer (VCO,VCA, blabla). So I’ll try to build an amplifier for my guitar signal anyway. I found the boost schematics as you said (second box) :slight_smile: And I might have some questions about it eventually haha

There’s a thread for it :wink:


Hi !
So I’m trying to make a circuit to boost my guitar to synth level. @Ctorp showed me this schematic. I want to keep the boost section only. But the main problem is that I don’t know how. I was wondering :

-is it necessary to keep the portion circled in red (the offset section) ? can I delete it and plug the input right before R4 ?
-Is invertinput important for boost ?
-Also, can I cut the link between boost and attenuvert section to plug the output ?
-Is there a chip with less legs that does the same job as TL074/72 ? Because I don’t think I will need this many legs. (like 1,2,3,4,5 that’s it)
-Should I replace the 6 pins header (J6) by a 4 pins header?

I’ve got so many questions. Thanks ! :slight_smile:

This would be better discussed in a new topic.


Hi ! is the Christian’s layout and do you have a BOM? Unfortunately, I cannot see the values ​​of the components in the picture of its layout.

That would be great!


The stripboard is in good quality if you zoom on it the values ​​are readable I think.

Here’s the Boom

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