8-Step Arduino Sequencer

I hooked these up to the 5v pin on the arduino. Is that right or should they be connected directly to the 5v before the arduino?

Currently they are connected on blue

Also I’m assuming he meant SPDT switches given the 3 pins

I am now reading all about switch bouncing lol. That sounds like what is happening but given my inexperience i could have easily miswired something as well…looking it over again. If it is switch bounce, you say you modify the arduino code to fix it?

Yes, SPDT (ON)-OFF-(ON).

Never done it but it should be doable:


Neither my forward backward switch or zero reset switch worked properly but I don’t see them as that important, you can reset by just pressing button one and go backward via backward jack so functionality still there.

my back switch, back jack, and reset work. Cv zero, forward switch and forward jack not working

All the backward switch does is inject a 5V signal to the same place as backward jack, so if one works and the other didn’t it’s likely the switch or the connection to the switch.

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Alright seems I’ve made a proximity detector when I get my hand within a few inches the steps start bugging out. I’m convinced electricity is simply magic and only actual wizards can harness its power.


As far as i understand it, our body has a certain resistance / conductivity. Combine that with magnetic fields n shit and there you go.

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I’ve got to have an incorrect resistor or something. These are signals from looping ADSR going into the forward and backward pins of the arduino after passing thru their respective jacks on the panel. The backwards signal is 5 times stronger (but it’s still definitely there) Arduino probably struggling to tell the difference between high and low on the forward signal. Pull down resistor?



I was about to suggest that something seems to be floating. Something needs to be grounded, and a pulldown resistor might just be the ticket. I seem to recall having this very issue with a few of my VCOs while i was experimenting. Shit acted like a theremin.

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It’s doin super funky stuff lol I gotta throw in the towel for the day

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There might be a small fortune in it for you if you can figure out how to adapt that into a device that buzzes if your hand gets close to your face.

Just don’t end up like this guy:


That guy deserves a medal for making the entire world laugh at a grim time like this.

As for face touching, I think moderation is the key. I allow myself to touch myself anywhere on the face at any time, as long as I use only my elbows.


Not trying to hijack this thread… But I’m having somewhat similar problems… Ugh! So I’m happy there’s a live thread here. Sequence jumps all around… When I touch a jack or the ground wire, it mostly works fine… Otherwise it always jumps back to the first step.

Tried 12v from my power supply. 9v from a battery. And power via usb cable… Latter still works best. But atm… It’s unusable.

Keeping a close eye here… If advised, I’ll start a new thread.

Nice to meet you all!


When anything Arduino gets twitchy my first thought is to check pull down resistors, ground and see if any spare ports need pulled down.


Good call @Farabide . I’d throw in that you might check to make sure that your Reset pin isn’t grounded somehow.


The wiring diagram shows everything that should connect to ground connected to green lines but it doesn’t explicitly show them connected to the Arduino ground. So perhaps an obvious question to ask is, is your ground connected?


@Maxhirez I checked with a multimeter. Didn’t seem like it’s grounded. If I’m doing it correctly: Just measured resistance to ground from every pin.

@analogoutput Unfortunately. Yes it is connected to ground on the arduino.

Ok. So. I had a faulty switch I replaced. Thought for a moment it had been fixed… Until it stopped working again. I hooked it up to an lfo as a clock… And it worked perfectly! If I just grounded the ground to myself AND! Kept holding on to the reset switch… If I let go of ground… it kept working. Until I let go of the switch again…Then I have to retouch ground and set switch to reset again… (This felt like progress.)

Checked the switch… Seems to be working fine… Checked solder joints to the arduino…

I “checked” all pull down resistors. Checked all values, and measured to make sure. Also checked to see if all grounds were grounded, checking resistance from all points to ground of Arduino…

What do you mean with: See if any spare ports need pulled down? How do you know if a port needs pulling down, if you followed this schematic… (Not that electronics savvy… yet)