8-Step Arduino Sequencer

I haven’t seen an American BOM for the 8 step sequencer, hope I didn’t just overlook it.

16 x 100k potentiometer HERE (6.35 mm shaft) or HERE (6 mm shaft) [Sam’s original BOM shows a long shaft pot but these should be fine]

14 x Jack sockets HERE [is “jack socket” a Britishism? I always hear them just called “jacks”.]

8 x PUSH BUTTONS Search eBay or AliExpress, e.g. HERE

1 x ARDUINO NANO HERE [compatible]


35 x 1N4148 DIODES HERE

19 x 1K resistor HERE [Sam’s BOM says quantity 18 but 19 shown in image]

12 x 10K resistor HERE

8 LED’s HERE (linked are super brights, but you can use whatever, have a look at the different ones :slight_smile: )

2 x SPDT (on) OFF (on) switches HERE (when (on) is in brackets it means they are momentary, they dont latch on, they only turn on when you push them, they are like a sideways push button!) [“SPST” in Sam’s BOM is a typo]

1 x 78L05 HERE

PANEL [you’re on your own]

M3 screws HERE (one for mounting)

M3 Standoff for mounting the stripboard! HERE [only 30 cm, Sam calls for 50 cm but Tayda doesn’t carry them]

IC SOCKET FOR THE NANO HERE (Use 2 15 pin female headers)

AND DONT FORGET WIRE! [you’re on your own for this too]

These weren’t on Sam’s BOM but I think they should be:

16 KNOBS HERE [6.35 mm shaft, there are other options for 6 mm]

1 10 pin power connector HERE

1 10 conductor power cable HERE