Hello, im a huge fan of modular synthesis and ive been playing around with vcv rack and for like 1 1/2 years or so with synthvr (which btw if anyone here has a vr headset which is steam compatible, check that shit out, its basicly build your own modular in vr, really fun and cost effective if you consider that the oculust quests are around 200-400 euros or something like that) anyway, i decided getting into building that stuff myself could be a fun hobby and wouldnt put that much strain on my wallet. I basicly have no problem finding and identifying the parts but i got a bit confused by one resistor, on the BOM is one resistor rated at 47/10k ohms, i know that 1k8 ohms are just 1800 ohms, makes it quicker to read, but are 47/10k resistors 47100ohms? or am i misinterpreting something here, as i also didnt really find any information when googling for 47/10k resistors.
Thanks in advance for any help that might come my way,
R9 is 47k (or 51k) or 10k depending on whether you’re using a CEM3340 or AS3340 chip…
… and whether you care. I haven’t used a CEM3340 but with AS3340 on a breadboard what I see is that larger values give longer fall times on the falling edges of the pulse wave (and longer rising edges, but the falling edges are slower). At the high end of audible frequency this makes the wave look severely non-square on the scope when a larger resistance is used. But keep in mind the square edges represent high harmonics which at fundamental frequencies on the order of 10 kHz are too high frequency to be audible. Even 51k probably isn’t large enough to significantly affect the sound of the waveform. Comments in the datasheet suggest there is some benefit in keeping the pulldown current low, so 51k with AS chips seems reasonable.