1153 bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce

Yes it was, but now i smoked something. made some shorts while fussing i guess, i will come back to this one later. i’m frustrated now haha.

Will have to check it with a clear mind in the near future! i will get there!


hello again my friends

this module was next up and of course it doesnt work

thought i had passed the smoke test but i just noticed FB1 is burnt to fuck

whats the next step, does that mean i have a short on my board?

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if thats burnt I mean this is likely not it but are the opamps the right way round? that sometimes does that. or the power is backwards? maybe a backwards made power connector??? or yeah an unlucky short

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ok yep, found a short between two pins on a TL074

i swapped out to new chips and it seems to work, going by the led turning on when i flip the switch

but before i could test anything else i noticed the top LED getting dimmer and then i burnt my finger on U5, the 78L05

it got VERY hot, very quickly

ermm maybe take the chips out see if it gets hot. chance is maybe that short broke something else. heaven forbid could be the electric druid chip. did that get hot?


i was thinking what the fuck is he on about, electric druid chip. This module has 2 TL072’s . . . . . right?

found the chip on my desk and put it in and it works!


ahaaa!!! that’ll do it haha. nice.

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I did this with my ADSR. Good thing those TL07x’s took the bullet.


Mine with a little Glide add :slight_smile:

a short demo with the Bounce on a CV Filter (and a little arpegio with my new toy :wink: )

and a verified stripboard here (with no glide circuit)

glide add - sound bender


Following a remark on my blog, the TL072 in the glide circuit is upside down.
as I had sticked it on the back, I made the schem upside down :roll_eyes:
I can no longer edit the old post so here is the new one.

glide add - sound bender


where do the in’s and out of the glde circuit go in the bounce bounce circuit, ? loos fatastic and musically

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I put it between the output of the bounce and the output jack
I think I kept the resistance of a kilo on the jack
and surely the 1k + led too
so more between on the output and the 1k R on the output jack (on my stripboard)
Sorry I do not remember exactly, and my photos of the module are not very explicit to see it, but i think i’s that :slight_smile:

thanks theres a start there and on we go to building mods’ happy holidays

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