Zorch's build progress

I got a new job! This is both good and bad for reasons that I’m sure most people could probably figure out. One downside is how it will cut into my time to be able to stream builds. This makes me sad - but at least I have a big chunk of my build already done. Speaking of…

Along the top are the VCLFO, Filter, and ADSR. I just need some smaller knobs for the VCLFO. On the second row are the two VCO’s, a passive attenuator (also in need of some smaller knobs), the safety valve VCA, and analog output’s 8-step sequencer.

Currently the sequencer has a few bugs to work out: the sixth channel needs a new toggle and the input controls are a little wonky. You can see my poor poor fart box on the bottom shelf next to my mixer. It keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the projects pile.

Next up:
Buffered ulti-multi
A more simple VCA (might get Sam’s)
LFO & Clock divider (looking to perhaps combine these two)
Big button / wav trigger combo
Quantizer (Might get the analog output one if black ever comes back in stock!)
VCO #3 with sine wave.

Then phase three. The secret phase.