Virtual Kosmo meetup?

Would any of y’all be interested in a virtual Kosmo Meetup on a Saturday morning MST in the next few weeks? It could be fun just to chat and swap horror stories or some cool stuff you’re working on?

Edit: If you’re game, fill out this to pick a time:


yes that would be great , are we talking zoom and such


Been awhile, I’d be down. I’m laid off right now :yawning_face:


I can set it up via Zoom, Google, or, if we feeling like streaming someplace, on Restream.

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I would love too, but Saturdays are pretty busy for me.

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I could also do Sundays, but it would have to be pretty early in the day.

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Sundays are more likey, but dont wait up for me!

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Alrighty, here’s a poll to figure out a time. Fill it out if you want.


Yall can come to the discord if you want.


I am currently planning on the 13th of March based on the poll so far.


ALRIGHTY. IT’S ON TOMORROW AT 15:00 UTC (8:00AM MST). Let’s use the LMNC Discord linked above.


Imma try my darndest to be there.


I may join if I’m not sleeping in.


I’m working then but may join muted/no video if I can get away with putting y’all on the radio.


To be clear, you wanted to meet around 15:00 UTC SUNDAY right?

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ok this should be fun getting the time right . that should be 10:00 a.m. EST , but day light savings starts tonight ? so that will actually be 9:00 a.m. EST . or am I still an hour off and it should be 11:00 ?

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Translate UTC into your local time

United States
Atlantic Daylight Time| subtract 3 hours from UTC
Atlantic Standard Time| subtract 4 hours from UTC
Eastern Daylight Time| subtract 4 hours from UTC
Eastern Standard Time| subtract 5 hours from UTC
Central Daylight Time| subtract 5 hours from UTC
Central Standard Time| subtract 6 hours from UTC
Mountain Daylight Time| subtract 6 hours from UTC
Mountain Standard Time| subtract 7 hours from UTC
Pacific Daylight Time| subtract 7 hours from UTC
Pacific Standard Time| subtract 8 hours from UTC
Alaska Daylight Time| subtract 8 hours from UTC
Alaska Standard Time| subtract 9 hours from UTC
Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time| subtract 10 hours from UTC
Samoa Standard Time| subtract 11 hours from UTC

Europe/Middle East
Greenwich Mean Time| same as UTC
British Summer Time| add 1 hour to UTC
Central European Time| add 1 hour to UTC
Central European Summer Time| add 2 hours to UTC
Eastern European Time| add 2 hours to UTC
Eastern European Summer Time| add 3 hours to UTC
Charlie Time (middle east)| add 3 hours to UTC
Delta Time (middle east)| add 4 hours to UTC

Western Standard Time| add 8 hours to UTC
Western Summer Time| add 9 hours to UTC
Central Standard Time| add 9:30 hours to UTC
Central Summer Time| add 10:30 hours to UTC
Eastern Time| add 10 hours to UTC
Eastern Summer Time| add 11 hours to UTC

For Asian, African and South American time zones visit

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Discourse has a feature for this! There is a button for „insert date“ which should then be rendered to the local time zone of the respective reader. Let’s try!!


BTW: The discord invite is not valid anymore, do you mind making a new one?


Shucks! Will likely not to be able make it afterall. Dang on call jobs.


yep! Sunday! Thanks y’all for the time clarification

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