(weird) IRL stuff

I’m having a ton of fun with you guys here. I wondered if anyone in the group ever travels to NAMM or anything like that. I’ve always been a bad traveler, but this is usually close enough to me that I might make the effort some time, especially if other Kosmonuts were thinking about showing up:
Granted it’s more of a yank thing, but they haven’t landed the “Esteemed Guest” yet, and who knows who it might be with classes like that…?


I have only ever been to the front lobby of the airport…

“DR MIX” (Another UK YouTuber) went to NAMM though,

anyone live in Wisconsin?

Sounds fun, this might be a fun thing to do some year, im a bit swamped this year though. :slight_smile:

One state southwest of ya. (Iowa.)


I will go to Superbooth again this year! Maybe some of you show up there?