The KiCad 7 Thread

Forgot about this happening last year too:


Nightly is 7.99 but regular release is still 6.0.

(I think this means I can’t edit any of my 7.0 projects now until the Ubuntu 7.0 package is released, since 6.0 won’t open them, and they’ll become 7.99 projects which 7.0 won’t be able to open if I edit them with 7.99.)



@doctroid @synthdiy strictly speaking the file format has not changed yet in v7.99, so it won’t cause any issues yet, but I can’t speak to when that will change.

The 7 update was a good opportunity to entirely nuke all my previous installs and settings and redo them from scratch now that i have a bit of a clue what i’m doing


v7 drag



Oh !!!

But kicad7 doesn’t work on my old mac :frowning:
Time for a new mac mini ? maybe…

This is pretty interesting:

Enter one command to churn out all sorts of documentation for a project — schematic PDF, PCB layouts, STEP model, interactive and static BOMs, as well as Gerbers.

Fairly nice as it is but I’m working on improvements to make it faster and more flexible. (Early days, where by “days” I mean “day”, but you can take a look here: GitHub - holmesrichards/kicad_7_cli_doc_gen at rsh)


I’ve been banging on this for three days now and I think it’s in pretty good form. New URL:

Big changes from the original are:

  • It processes all KiCad projects under a main project directory (e.g. a PCB and a panel?) rather than just one
  • It uses multiple levels of configuration files to control its behavior on anything from a global to a single KiCad project basis
  • It doesn’t regenerate any files that are already newer than the KiCad files they derive from
  • It leverages KiKit to offer separate documentation and Gerber files for individual PCBs in a multi-PCB KiCad design (and KiKit can be used instead of kicad-cli, if preferred, for Gerber generation)

I’m still finding bugs but it’s generally doing what I want it to and I’m confident using it on my actual projects (then again I do run hourly backups). Check it out.


KiCad 7.0.6 is here and there are a couple of changes to kicad-cli which prompted an update to kdocgen. The more boring one (I think) is that you can now specify either KiCad or Protel extensions for Gerber export. The one I’m more enthusiastic about is that, now that --mirrored is an option for kicad-cli pdf export pdf, kdocgen takes separate lists of front and back layers and mirrors the PDF export for the back layers (so they come out looking like the back of the PCB viewed from the back, rather than the back viewed from the front). Also, the edge layer is by default included in each layer’s PDF output. This does mean any existing config files that specify layers for pcb_pdf will need to be updated for this version.

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KiCanvas is an interactive , browser-based viewer for KiCAD schematics and boards. It’s in alpha so please report any bugs!


Nice idea but I can’t get it to do anything at all, have posted issue on GitHub

Update: OK, apparently what they want you to paste or drag and drop is a (link to) a KiCad project folder, not for instance a kicad_pro file.

But I’m still having problems, sometimes if I drag and drop a folder it opens in Kicanvas, sometimes it tries to open as a Chrome file tab.

Have to say I really, really detest the colors used to display schematics (and the dark UI in general, I can’t stand dark mode):


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Got this when i pasted “” into the github link box on the loading page.

I can’t get it to show the .sch file.

I think that schematic is in KiCad 5 format, which Kicanvas apparently does not support.


  • Do not route tracks tighter than DRC allows. #14898


DRC is incredibly valuable but recently:

because routing has been putting tracks too close to pads. Great to see this is fixed.