Quad Passive Fixed Line Out Attenuator

Here’s a quick build I put together last night. I recently acquired a Ladik preamp module for boosting line levels. There’s also a complimentary line out module, but it’s just jacks and resistors so I figured I could put something like that together myself. Cost of materials was less than $5.

In the case with the preamp module:

I settled on 150K resistors between tips and 1K between sleeves. I think it brings the level down ~12dB in my particular setup:

Panel cut from angled aluminum:


it’s in upside down​:upside_down_face:the jacks will line up then!:crazy_face:

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They actually won’t. I grouped mine so the ins and outs that go together are slightly closer. The Ladik ones are completely evenly spaced.


those jacks are neat looking!!
Have a link?

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Yeah, I love them. From AliExpress for about $ a song: