However, these don’t have panel nuts or screws. I seem to recall this being brought up in a previous thread, but for the life of me I cannot find it. Before I go ahead and commit and solder these in, is it a foolish idea… and/or should I just go ahead and order the ‘proper’ Alpha pots which have got the panel screw/nut? The cost is obviously a fair bit more, but it could be worth it in the end.
They’re trimmer POTs, I have some on the breadboard helper boards, as they don’t need screwed to anything. If you’re expecting your front panel to held on by screwing the POTs to it, then you’ll need those ‘proper’ Alpha ones…
Alternatively, you could just bolt the front panel to whatever PCB, or stripboard you’re using with some standoffs, which would mean you don’t need to fork out on loads of new POTs.
When I use those pots I put the panel on then surround the outer pots with hot glue… Doesn’t look pretty but it works!
Also not to drag this thread way off topic, but does anyone else have trouble getting those to fit in the standard Alpha pot’s KiCad footprint? The metal tabs seem to be too wide for the hole in the PCB footprints that I use.
Thanks! I am using the KOSMO Module PCBs from LMNC’s shop, so they don’t have space for standoffs. I presume I’d need to do some drilling for that to work. HmMmMm.
Quite a few panels are also held on by the nuts on the jack sockets. If you look at the latest @moritzklein x Erica Synth VCF module, it looks like that panel is only held on my the socket nuts; which is probably why they are at the top and the bottom. Maybe a combination of @Sonosus’ hot glue method and the socket nuts will be enough…
Ah, yeah. I’m in the middle of making the Safety Valve and the Performance Filter. Hmm. I might end up getting some alps just to be safe, since I’m already going to muck everything else up I am sure haha. Thanks!
Hot glue works great, if you add a good thick wire for the ground it can also add support. You can also make a thickish cardboard backing for the panel and cut out squares for the pots to sit in … Then slather it in hot glue.