I was wondering about how polyphonic aftertouch would work in a typical modular synth setting? Like I understand that if you use a midi keyboard with polyphonic aftertouch say on the Deckard’s Dream synth or any synth that accepts polyphonic aftertouch, you are able to modulate individual notes. But say you were to use a midi keyboard capable of polyphonic aftertouch with a modular synth and plug it in to a midi to cv converter, how would that work? Especially if you have the usual polyphonic modular synth set up (VCO into filter, into VCA controlled by envelope generator, etc), how can you patch the polyphonic aftertouch into that for individual note modulation? Would you need a special converter for it to work or is it something that just doesn’t translate well for modular synths?
you would have to have a separate output for it, wouldn’t you? like how some of these midi to cv converters have a velocity output
I think it’s tricky. I think you would need a pretty configurable Midi to CV converter like a Mutant Brain. I am not clear if the Mutant Brain can even do this, but you would need to somehow map each aftertouch expression to a CV output.
Well most modulars are monophonic, maybe multiple oscillators and filters etc, but inherently monophonic so what’s the point?
A standard mono midi to CV converter can use channel aftertouch if it’s designed to output it as a voltage.
You would need a polyphonic midi to CV converter that supports poly AT. I have built several polyphonic midi to CV converters but only ever supported channel aftertouch output as it’s really not worth the trouble of implementing poly AT.
Yeah, modular is kinda different. took me a while to really understand that personally.