Convert midi keyboard to CV

When I was developing a polyphonic midi to CV converter this was my first attempt. It uses a Teensy 3.5 to convert a midi signal upto 6 notes to CV, velocity, gate and trigger outputs. It also has a modwheel out of 0-2v and a pitchbend out of 0-2v with a center at 1v.

I decided to fit it into an old evolution 4 octave midi keyboard with velocity sensitivity. The polyphony is variable from mono to 6 notes, it has a unison mode, top/bottom/last note priority is included along with transpose and software calibration for v/Oct output.

I also added aftertouch of 0-5v using pressure sensitive resistors but this is separate from the midi to CV circuitry.

GitHub link


Busy doing nothing (well clearing out my apt and cleaning the place as mrs K will (if the SAS pilots are not on strike on Monday) be home on Tuesday) so I have not much time studying this but it is definitely worth looking into.
I’ve got an AKAI LPK25 that is absolutely useless (no REAL MIDI output), so I will check this thread and the articles and maybe later see what I can do with my d@rn keyboard.