Hi there, new to eurorack and was wondering i could plug my korg volca sample audio out into a mixer filter of a eurorack system without any issues?
I dunno about mixer but a fried a Volca Modular by plugging in a clock from my diy sequencer into it. The fold out manual has the voltage limits (that I didn’t check).
I plug the output of my Korg Nu-Bass into my modular all the time. Using the Sync on the Korg is a bit more interesting. If I patch a clock from my modular into the Volca it doesnt like it. Sync from the Korg SQ1 into the Volca works ok.
For Korg Volca sync, there’s this page (in Slovak, but English (and Czech) translation is available at upper right):
Thanks all for your replies, very useful info
One way of testing this safely would be to make a patch cable with a 1K resistor in series with the signal wire. This wiĺ limit the maximum current to milliamps if there is an incompatibility problem and should hopefully avoid the release of magic smoke!