Hmm, are you sure? The forum has been around longer (e.g. I posted about a Valve Caster in Jan. 2019) and in my understanding was dedicated to DIY and KOSMO all along. Or did KOSMO come along about 1 year later?
I believe KOSMO as PCB’s. rather than just DIY projects.
KOSMO has been around for some time.
I think the first iteration was when Zibra was still around, but I may be mistaken. started up 17 Jan 2020. Patreon I’m not sure.
Ha, I misread Jan 19 as January 2019. It the sequence of year and day that is unfamiliar to me.
It’s only seemed like two years (or more) since last January.
I’ve learned so much and met so many wonderful people on this forum. That and the Covid situation have combined to make this period seem like another lifetime.
oh yeah sorry to iterate. I meant the video was a sort of sum up of the module a month I had been doing which I have done for a year now. hope that makes sense! ofcourse kosmo as a sort of idea and diy project and “format” so to speak probably since 2016!
wow only in January! I thought it was a lot longer ago! but then again this year a lot has changed for everyone I suppose! I had to move 4 times haha, that was a pain in the ass to say the least!!! makes it feel like the year has gone on forever
cool vid! looking goooood
cool thanks dud!!! sick its got massive haha
@lookmumnocomputer for great but not technically kosmo can I direct you to the member’s pets thread?
Sniff! I’ve no panels finished yet. Maybe next video yeah?
Here are a few things:
EDIT: uploaded video to YouTube for ease of access.
Video of the Megadrone being all stabby:
Megadrone stand-alone build:
And a few other Kosmo shots:
Now I’m the kind of person who knows what an obscure word like Komsomol means (it was the youth adjunct of the USSR Communist Party.) Was that a typo?
Name: Neil Mundt/Circular Tonic
This is the Joystick module that I have been working on. The Witches Brew was made so simple as it can be for new Beginners in mind with clearly labeled sections and low amount of parts/common parts. Thank you Sam for this chance too have a Community showcase D.I.Y Kosmo Systems. If the logo is not good for editing. I can provide the raw photos.
The witches brew is a stackable CV Joystick module for Kosmo. So you can have it as a Standalone box with 2 Joysticks or Panel Mounted.
WitchesBrew V1.3 Joystick Controller Hack-a-Day
•1 x TL074 (DC Mixer)
•1 x TL072 (Voltage to Current LED Driver)
•X and Y Axis CV for Joystick
•Panel Mounted Offset/Range Knobs X/Y Axis
•Offset Postive/Negative Voltage LED Indication
•Passive Attenuator Output
•Clearly Labeled Sections on PCB/Schematic and low parts count for beginners.
MY Kosmo Based System:
Circulartonic Instagram I make stuff and try too make stuff work again. Repair, Hardware Modding, Beeps and Boops. If it doesn’t light, sound or make smoke you are left wondering why?
I allow lookmumnocomputer to use these in his videos as he sees fit.
l’ll Update with a video a bit later
LOL. Fixing………………………
I want to do that with wood from (dead) maples from the forest at my mom’s cottage (someday, when (if?) the USA-Canada border reopens).
It is excellent. (And somehow funny.)
Kosmo, but clearly your own style. Nice.
I feel like I should be upset that the best sound I’ve made with my synth was by unplugging it. But…I’ll take what I can get
4 voice LMNC and some forum friends stuff to .
and the ever growing modular monster .
always wanted a modular . Sam’s go for attitude and info finally got me going . and thanks to all on the discourse forum for your help and inspiration .
Wow dude your wall is getting huge!
Hmm, looks like you have a few skeletons in your cupboard.