Pictures and videos submit for this weekends lmnc vid

hello everyone! so im working on a video this weekend to go up Sunday about the new filter and how kosmo format in all of its many variations has come along as a whole this past year. since the first thing I did which was 1 year ago pretty much.

im not very good with organisation! so I ask please! to send a couple of things below I could include if you would like me to, this can be your kosmo setup, diy, your own kosmo modules or kosmo designs whatever!

what I would ideally like is either of the below or both!! both a pic and a vid is great but if you can only do 1 that is totally fine ill include whatever turns up!

  • a picture of either your setup kosmo format (if other things are about thats fine!) or a kosmo module you have designed your proud of or you know just anything. also please include your name and if you want a short sentence of what is going on in the picture or about you. keep it to about 20 words.

  • a video of something with kosmo format thingies be it diy, kosmo projects or your own, this video can already exist! and even if I have already shared its fine. preferably below 20 seconds, uploaded to YouTube so I can rip it from it and include it in the video. and same as the above your name and a sentence about the vid or yourself. any quality!!! it doesn’t matter if its recorded on a potato or a million dollar canon sxlxrd4520hp40

if you are making kosmo module projects maybe use it as an opportunity to let people know where you can find your module etc or if your documenting the journey on your youtube/twitch or what not, let people know where to find you! if there are links please include so I can include in the description.

Ill set a cut off point (I know rather quick only 2 days) of Sunday 1st November 3pm GMT.


also without mentioning it it doesn’t actually even need to be kosmo format,. if there is a project you have done that has been somehow worked on on the forum or progressed and shared with people here! that will be fine too. ie Fredrik your snap electronics projects or Antoine’s FPGA project etc

just seems like a good idea to let people who watch the vids but aren’t on the forum know what is going on!


Not mine, but I think this one really captured the spirit:


thanks :smiley: there is a short vid on my instagram. i can also post a better picture later.


awesome klaus! yeah that is awesome good artwork :smiley: the googly eyes are a mighty fine touch haha


Here it is

Also a pic of my case from a few months ago. I have more modules now, but no access to the synth right now.

And there is my kosmo inspired mastotron fuzz and the fart box:


Name: Rich Holmes


My current setup, with Moog Mother-32 lower left, Eurorack modules in the center, and Kosmo everywhere else!


Quick demo of my Dual Quantizer. Design files at GitHub - holmesrichards/QuantizerModule: Code and hardware for Kosmo/Eurorack quantizer module to make your own, or check for boards and panels to buy.


Sounds like fun. Will take a few photos and make a quick video tonight.


im gunna build one of those for the interactive section for the museum! I have one here. got the microphonee built too cool!!


awesome! beautiful fart box :smiley:


Name: Jason

Started building on August 31st,

First Kosmo case now nearing capacity (Thanks in large part to the megadrone!):

About 50/50 LMNC “official” modules and stripboard builds (and now self-etched PCB’s) behind 3D printed panels including an interface to my midibox Sequencer v4.

Documenting the process here in the forum with sources for everything I can share on github.

My videos are just quick and dirty unedited clips of whatever I’m testing…I’d say my favorite is still this one and they way things slowly devolve after I pull the plug and the caps in the power supply slowly drain down:


Rightyright, if you like these photos/video, feel free to have it in your youtube channel :slight_smile:

The Valve Distorting VCA (based on your schematic/ideas):

A 24dB/Oct Filter based on the Moog Taurus:

An interface for Guitar Pedals:

The whole synth in its cherrywood case (tree straight from the garden!):

And in action:

My name is Alex, btw


Loving the digital scope with the analog V-A meters


ohhh I have off Tomorrow!
I’ll post up too :smiley:
I’ll keep it KOSMO tho… lol


Name: Sachin

Been building on and off for around a year. The Bottom rack consists of pretty much all your diy modules and some others from the discourse group such as the band pass filter.

Here is a video of the KOSMO oscilliscope I built using the dso-150.


Those meters would make great eyes for one of Kosmo’s android friends.


Name : Dud aka Sound Bender
Begining my diy Kosmo modular in august 2019, all modules made only with stripboard, thx to Sam and all in this forum !

My modular details on my blog : SYNTHETISEUR MODULAIRE DIY | SOUND BENDER 36

by case :



And a video (sorry a little more than 20s)


I hope you’ll submit some of your beautiful Ciat-Lonbarde circuits. Those who are circuit bending should also consider submitting pictures and I hope Sam will consider including them to give a more complete picture of the broad range of work that gets posted here.

I’d submit some of my own stuff but I don’t think vapourware would go down well. Perhaps next year.


of course! definitely anything really! happy to share stuff on the vid!!!


Cory T. Been building for almost a year now, zero electronics experience before. Here is my current setup:

Kosmo w/TR8-S and beatstep.

Quick clip