My build progress

I also got a batch in today! Here’s a direct comparison between two panels in FR4 and aluminium, same gerber file.

some things I noticed:

  • The aluminium feels more sturdy and is less bendy.
  • There’s hardly a difference in weight; the aluminium panels is ~10% heavier.
  • The black solder mask seems to be a bit deeper black on the aluminium. Putting them side-by-side, the green colour of the FR4 appears to shine through ever so slightly.
  • The back surface of the aluminium panel is indeed non-conductive, propably it has the same dielectric coating which separates the aluminium and the copper. Edges are indeed conductive.
  • Silkscreen on the backside is available, but hardly legible. Enough for the module name, date etc.
  • The edges on the backside of the aluminium panel are a bit sharp, not so nice to the touch. Just in case someone is thinking about using them reversed.



yes more room for more modules :slight_smile:

“big knobs big mouvement” . Sam (in Kosmo description)

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The only thing I miss about Eurorack is being able to sell commercial modules on Reverb for the same price I paid for it.

For a while there I’d move out whatever I wasn’t feeling and impulse buy something else and have a miniature Christmas every other month. That went on for a while until I had nothing but modules I couldn’t bare to let go.

But in every other way, Kosmo is so much better.


Really? Including plated through holes? I understood they required NPTH.

Yep for real. I guess, since the board doesn’t go through plating anyway, it doesn’t really matter.

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got my pair of " evil eyes " done . nice build worked first time which is unheard of for me , thanks TimMJN .
still working on the eyes though .


damnn that’s a freaky looking synth you’ve got there! Kosmo has nothing on you!

Now I’m thinking what it would take to put an actual animated eye in there. Image putting a little OLED display in there, and show an eye which follows the active step. That’d be a real freak show.


yeah thats what I meant by " working on the eyes " . I cut holes in panels for future eye enhancements . just printed paper for now .

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Or this one! GitHub - adafruit/Uncanny_Eyes

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LOL don’t think I want to get " creepy " think I will just go with the traditional evil eye look .

I love what you did. Somehow I think I’m even happier with the one I’m planning because what’s more fantasy villain than a single unblinking eye?

-Fumu / Esopus

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actually the " evil eye " isn’t evil at all its a talisman against evil .
this is one example.


Either way it’s a cool name. I’m rather picky when it comes to them and I warmed up to all of TimMJN’s module names even the kind of obvious ones.

-Fumu / Esopus

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100% correct. The concept was actually inspired by my Turkish girlfriend, its a very big thing in their culture.

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Built my 2001 Sequencer. Didn’t work.
Finished building another one that is going to my brothers kids. Same thing…Didn’t work
Swapped the arduino out. Bam!

The kids are getting this to go with their fart box and the Twin T drums with multi colored LED’s,etc. Kinda digging the flashy colors over my standard red LED’s


yeah had the a similar problem , when I was building the evil eye sequencer the first nano wouldn’t load properly so I tried a different one and bam it worked .

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got 2 sitting here on my desk, one uploaded fine, the other is probably dead. Makes me wonder if the arduino the culprit in my big button build I couldn’t get working all the way.


Up until a few months back I had never had a problem with cheap nanos. Then I bought a batch of 10 and they turned out to be the 168 and clocked at half the correct speed. So the won’t load much code and if timing is involved it’s 50% out. I did actualy add a new board file to correct the clock but then you have to remember the serial line is slow. Had a couple of simple scetches that did not work…

Almost finished the #2001, just waiting on that headder pin. To do it justice will have to see if i can get the first few notes of “also sprach zarathustra” sequenced :wink:

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Here is what I have got going so far. Apart from the Megadrone which is not in this case. Not sure what I should build next. Point me in the right direction people.