My build progress

JOELENE JOLEEEENE! :cowboy_hat_face:

2 hrs later, I only just realised you called me Kai!

Good eyes =D

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dam that is so weird , had not heard this song in years and I have heard it twice today on two different instances .

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Funny, I have this record sitting next to me on the platter

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PHANTOMFET - uses Phantom power from a mixer to amplify a differential piezo (AB4113). :slight_smile:


Thanks to @Caustic I got my BSP talking midi with the 505.
Had to hack up a midi cable from odd spares, so I guess it qualifies as ‘build progress’
Just got to match the BSP pads with the 505 layout next.
Oh I also got my rails mounted, not yet glued in. Days away from a good painting session now!

Beyond excited now!
Thanks again to you Caustic! Digital hero!


The diode ladder VCF development continues.

Now it’s got:
Soft clipping front-end so it can be overdriven.
Proper voltage controlled cutoff and resonance with pots and jack sockets on each.
Resonance gain-loss compensation so the volume stays roughly the same as you crank on the resonance.
And, probably my favourite bit, managed to get both LP and a quasi HP out of it. On the breadboard it’s switched to the amp output, but I’ll probably have separate outputs on the real thing.

Next step is to finish off the schematic - double check the schematic and then do up a PCB and have it made, yay! I’ll share it all when it’s done and I know it works as intended.



Sam played it in a live stream the other day was that one of them???

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Finally assembled a couple of these power supply boards I’d had fabbed a few months ago. I put them in the garage, ran an extension cord to the basement, closed the doors, and plugged it in. Nothing a splode! 2 x ±12 V. Victory.


I’ve never had a capacitor blow up on me and whenever anything went wrong with my circuits the ‘visual / worldly’ effects were not nearly as spectacular as Hollywood tends to show them. In fact they tend to underwhelm more than you would expect.

There are easy ways to make sure nothing major will happen, so there is really no need for dramatics :wink: .

  1. add a fuse in the low voltage path (this will blow faster than the capacitor) leading to the power supply. If it blows check your circuit!
  2. check whether the polarity of the diodes fits the polarity of the capacitors.
  3. connect the power to the device for only a second and then when disconnected again, measure the voltage across the capacitors and check whether the polarity conforms to the polarity of the capacitor.
  4. when available, use a variac and slowly increment the ac-input voltage until you get to the nominal value while checking the current flowing to the power supply and the voltage at its output (also mind point 8)
  5. if so far all seems OK, then measure the output voltages and check whether those are what you want them to be.
  6. connect a load ( not necessarily your most expensive module ! ) to the power supply and leave it for a while and keep an eye on the voltage the supply outputs. Connect another load and do the same. Do this for lets say 1/4 hour and monitor it.
  7. check whether none of the components get really hot ( 60 degrees centigrade is about what I can stand touching, which is an indicator of sorts to me )
  8. use you sense of smell: if electronics get really hot over time one can often smell this. The fact that they get hot may not be a problem b.t.w. Certain types of power supplies often are not very efficient, so this is to be expected in some cases. Remember to then check whether the cooling is sufficient and maybe add more.

And keep one of these in hands reach


Not exactly progress
 more like planning.
I felt the urge to jam in all my modules and see what ive got left space wise.
Turns out, just enough for another passive mult.
Still got to finish and test some modules, but I ‘need’ to get my buss boards finished first.

Stuff I need to finish: Static-X Distortion+Attenuator, Mikrophone, Teensy4 Wav, Passive mult, Decide on AS or CEM for the VCO, BussBoards and an expansion.
It feels good to have a row ‘full’
My B’day is coming up so I expect ill fill Kosmo row soon enough too =)

I wouldnt mind some more effects like Fuzz, Reverb/delay, Squelchy stuff, Bitcrush

Would love to stick in some euro stuff but im much happier just building for now.


I was going to necro another post since it was about the Big Button, but the weblords said ‘are you sure u wanna do that, this post is old
Should I make a new thread? Since I will bash my way through untill it works =)
(Also, reverse progress is still a degree of progress ;D)

(Big button is powered by a 9v, clock in from BSP clock out)
I thought I had it to a ‘working’ standard (even though channels LEDs lit up in rev order.)
But its doing other wierdness now, after a rebuild.
When inserting a jack into a channel out it switches banks, and CH LEDs arent lighting up any more =/
Ive tested the V difference on the rotary and getting increments of around 0.77 (0.77, 1.55
Testing Ch outputs (inserting a cable into Ch 1 and testing the T-S with volt meter) reveals nothing, no voltage.

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Discourse is fussy and meddlesome and has no clue how we operate around here, and should be ignored. This is a good topic for showing off what’ you’ve been doing but a poor place to track down problems. Go ahead and post to the old topic.


Ty I shall necro away =)


As far as what I think, thread necromancy is fine. Especially if it means collecting all the troubleshooting of a specific topic in one place.

Ideally, a random person on the net that stumbles here should be able to find the solutions to a build in one thread.


When you realize you have 26 unbuilt KOSMO modules


Finally have 2 new cases for em. (Rack numbers K3 & K4)

I have some work ahead of me


yeah maybe a little work 


Just finished off a couple of @THOGRE buss boards. Working a charm with MiaWs PSUs. I used 16 pin headers so I can use the 5v from it for things like the Big Button and other stuff.

I fancy adding a green led for the 5v too, because why not =)
Guess ill need something like a 220r for it

PSU outs all reading normal voltage wise and nothing blew up, pretty happy.
Still need to work out why Big Button Ch 1-6 outs read 10x less than they should be =/


Finally the PCBs for my Kosmo Multitool arrived. Whenever I start a new Arduino project it feels like I always breadboard the same stuff like ADC/DAC, Midi etc. so I came up with this module. It is more meant as a development platform. It has an Oled display, 4 channel ADC, 4 channel DAC, 4x gate in/out, Midi in/out/through, rotary encoder and 3 switches for user input. What’s on the display is fake, just some random ideas that popped up. The whole software part is missing. I think I will start with a Midi controlled Arpeggiator. Any suggestions what it can be used for?