My build progress

Muaha OK thank you for the lesson ! :stuck_out_tongue:

I would share music when I will have news records :slight_smile:


Music is our language !! :muscle:


Today I built the second Erica Synths Envelope Generator. I was able to replace 13 pieces of 100k resistors with SMD. Iā€™ve been using the soldering iron again for a long time. In between I was busy with the Volca FM, but I just donā€™t get really warm with it. Itā€™s great, no question about it, but I donā€™t think FM is my thing ā€¦


Temporary knobs until 1900H knobs arrive.


Ahhhhh ā€¦ everyone has f***g braids ā€¦ I want one too !!! :frowning:


Theyā€™re pretty dope because they have so many cool modes, but sadly you can only really use one mode at a time. I think iā€™m gonna want to build at least 2 or 3 more of them :slight_smile:

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I think I read that you could take the MCU with 16MB (or more) instead of 8 and then install several firmwares that you can choose. Do you know anything about this?

But it could also be that I was wrong and confused it with branches.

Probably confused Braids with something else, ā€˜coz Braidsā€™ MCU only has 128KB ROMā€¦

You can only use one of the tens modes/waveforms at the same time, but they are all in the same firmware, available with a twist of the encoderā€¦

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that looks awesome canā€™t wait till I get to build mine .

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I will have to take a look at what Braids are as everyone talks about them but I have no idea what they do, even after 16 months of being here :wink:


I ā€˜justā€™ started looking into it myself. It seems like a super fancy oscillator.


a lot of nice different plug and play sounds with the modular tweak ability .

Be that as it may, but has anyone ever published any music on this forum in which it was used?

Sam uses it quite a bit.

for example the vocal type sounds at the beginning of and the background rhythm all the way through Desperado Vespa is the VOWL mode.

Sam has 2 of them in his performance setup and he uses them extensively.


If you want to try it out, the free VCV Rack software has a Braids called the Macro Oscillator:


With France in a Covid lockdown and the kids home for the last three weeks I hadnā€™t had much of a chance to breadboard. Today I slunk off to the garage to put a front-end on the diode ladder VCF and hook it up to the DIY synth.

Still want to fix the gain loss upping the resonance, but Iā€™ve half an LM13700 that I think will do the trick.

Next steps after that is to add mixers for the CV so itā€™s not just pots but things like envelopes and LFOsā€¦



Got the Noise Bells and Dual Quant from @analogoutput working today. Unfortunately thereā€™s no room in the rack for the Noise Bell as Iā€™ve used up all 165cm of space. Sometime after May Day iā€™ll head over to the hardware store and pick up some bits of wood to make another rail for book case #1 and rails for book case #2.


Itā€™s great to see you back. Iā€™m not building but I have made some progress on learning DAWs and I bought an Akai Miniak which makes fantastic sounds. I was just about to get working with the patch editor I bought for the Miniak when my daughter took scissors to the power cable, so now Iā€™m waiting for a new PSU. Fortunately she only cut the 9V DC side of the old power cable, because I donā€™t think itā€™s as easy to replace a daughter.


Went and dropped a few pennies on some tools and supplies for making case 2 and 3 today.
(Cheap woodwork protractor, decent 1m metal ruler, more corner clamps, 2 small sheets of ply and a bunch of rail bars)

Got the rails all chopped to 60cm, case 2 and 3 sides are readyā€¦
Next up (tomorrow) is the tops and bottoms, then assembly.

Case 2: dual kosmo. Case 3: 1U and kosmo.
Spray days are incoming =D

Also had a bit of a bonding with dad, I needed his guidance on using his mitre/table saw and we made a nice big mess of the kitchen. Dust EVERYWHERE!
Even in the closed cutlery draw haha XD
Actual fun times.